Page 79 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
P. 79
Wild Beauty
A photorealistic ode to the wild landscapes and
unpretentious nature of the Cycladic Island of Syros
by Antonios Aspromourgos.
Antonios Aspromourgos captures the wild and unpretentious
beauty of the Cycladic landscape in his stunning artworks,
reflecting the silvery glints of olive leaves, the deep greens
of native bushes, and the dynamic transformations of the
island’s terrain through the seasons. His pieces offer a fresh and
captivating perspective on the untamed charm of Syros.
T his new creative direction of the visual artist,
Antonios Aspromourgos, promises a dar-
ing, almost hedonistic journey to the wild
slopes and deserted mountain peaks of the
Cycladic landscape of the island of Syros.
Directly influenced by his now permanent
residence in the capital of the Cyclades, the artist has
surrendered himself to the impulsive attraction of the
multidimensional landscape and fallen in love with
the silvery glints of the olive leaves, the deep green of
the native bushes, and the blue-green silhouettes of
the cacti.
Refusing to capture the crystal waters and sapphire
blue of the sea for the umpteenth time, as many paint- It is engaging how almost the same theme is trans- of the Cycladic Island character. Works by Antonios
ers have done, he focuses on the solitary beauty of the formed—subject to the will of the seasons—from green Aspromourgos are currently exhibited at the Lefakis
island’s landscape; a captivating tapestry, wild and arid hills with flowers to golden dry mountain slopes. The Galleries in Athens, Cyprus, and Brussels. A solo ex-
yet mysterious and imposing. In his works, we can see Cycladic islands offer an unending display of an evolv- hibition of works from this current series will be pre-
a playful “lens” that sometimes focuses on minute de- ing landscape, and the artist, through this new visual sented in May 2025 at the Lefakis Galleries in Kolonaki
tails of plants and rocks, and at other times moves far orientation away from the expected seashore views, and Saint Paul de Vence, in the south of France.
away, evoking a panorama as if through the watchful encourages the viewer to ponder the unrestrained, even
gaze of an imaginary seagull. disorderly, wind-swept vistas as fresh interpretations IG Antonios Aspromourgos