P. 116
Athens Riviera Summit 2024 aims
ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL at reshaping Greece’s impact in the
influence global investment arena.
stakeholder engagement, dialogue and partnership-building " THE ESTABLISHMENT
among investors, government officials, business leaders, and
representatives from institutions. OF ARF WAS DRIVEN BY THE
The response to the Forum and our annual Athens Riviera Sum-
mit has been highly positive, with regional and global business METAMORPHOSIS OF
and political leaders embracing this platform. We have already
received confirmations and expect to host in the Athens Rivi- THE ATHENS RIVIERA INTO
era a diverse array of top-tier decisionmakers and government
officials from across the globe, prominent investors, experts, A LEADING HUB FOR GROWTH
representatives from institutions, CEOs of funds, investment
banks, financial institutions, and thought leaders from various IN SOUTHEAST EUROPE."
industries. They see it as an opportunity to deepen economic
cooperation and identify sustainable investment prospects in the
most serene and breathtaking environment, the Athens Riviera.
Under the umbrella of the Athens Riviera Summit, international
and local stakeholders will be encouraged to explore opportu-
nities in cutting-edge sectors, such as infrastructure, real estate,
energy, tourism, and technology, fostering cross-border part- the Summit assembles the leaders and chief executives of the Greek and international Groups and
nerships and collaboration. In parallel to its mission as a forum Companies implementing the significant investments and the development projects in the Athens
for dialogue, the Athens Riviera Summit enables participants Riviera. Bringing together high-level representatives from the central government, the Municipalities
to establish valuable connections and network with peers in an of the coastal front which are already Institutional Partners of the Summit, as well as the investors and
orchestrated and targeted way. the business community, we are committed to the strategic, structured and holistic advancement of
In essence, the annual Athens Riviera Summit transcends the this dynamic landscape.
boundaries of a typical conference. It is a dynamic nexus where Regenerations, construction projects, cycle paths, strategic interventions, long pedestrian walkways,
ideas converge and partnerships are forged. and extraordinary business plans are implemented during this period, in order to substantially upgrade
Under the thematic triangle of the Summit (Athens Riviera, the coastline of the Athens Riviera. How do these projects change the appearance of the seafront of
Greece, International Economic Cooperation), what are the ob- Athens and improve the daily life of the citizens and what is the biggest challenge in your opinion?
jectives regarding the dialogue for the Athens Riviera’s future? Numerous high-end regeneration, infrastructure, and hospitality projects, 5-star hotels and resorts,
The Athens Riviera Summit serves as a catalyst for advancing residential complexes, marinas, cultural and sports’ centers, and other pioneering facilities, are reshap-
the investment and development momentum of the Athens ing the vision for the Athens Riviera into a reality, attracting citizens, tourists, businesses, and investors
Riviera, a region which is rightly recognized as a top-tier hub from all over the world. The Ellinikon’s transformative impact and all the best-in-class projects from
for development and investment. Examining the transformative Piraeus to Sounion and beyond redefine the coastline of Athens, enhancing both its aesthetics but
elements that make the Athens Riviera a thriving investment also its functionality; ultimately, the capital of Greece and the surrounding areas are turning into the
destination, the Summit reveals the new horizons for growth waterfront, utilizing this undoubted comparative advantage, our sea.
and the wide spectrum of opportunities that lie ahead. With its The strategic interventions not only beautify the coastline, but also form recreational spaces, fostering
strategic focus on driving progress, it shines a spotlight on the a sense of community, while the cycle paths and pedestrian walkways which are under development
profound impact of this transformative journey and enhances its are expected to promote eco-friendly living, resulting in reduced congestion and pollution. All these
international status and outreach. Through a multistakeholder ventures generate employment opportunities, boost the local economy, and elevate the quality of life.
approach, we cultivate a productive consensus about the pres- In this regard, it is my firm belief that sustainability is not a matter of opportunity. It is the predom-
ent and future of the Athens Riviera as a sustainable and pivotal inant challenge in all urban renewals worldwide, therefore and for the Athens Riviera. The Athens
driver for the economy, which redefines Greece’ role in the global Riviera Summit addresses environmental and social responsibility. Sessions dedicated to sustainable
business environment. Special emphasis will be directed towards development goals will explore how these prominent projects can and will align with environmental
the central sectors and themes of the Athens Riviera, including protection and social equity, with utmost respect for the local societies and businesses. This holistic
real estate development and regeneration, tourism, hospitality, approach ensures that investments contribute positively to society and the environment.
residential projects, marinas & yachting, infrastructure, archi- How do you envision the next day of the area defined from Piraeus to Sounion?
tectural innovations, sustainability & blue development, along I envision a thriving, sustainable, and interconnected region, a hub of sustainable growth, innovation,
with commercial/retail ventures. and cultural exchange; a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity for the coastal front, preserv-
You embrace and support a multistakeholder approach for the ing its cultural heritage and the environment. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, green spaces, and a
Athens Riviera and its growth impact. Could you elaborate robust economy, the Athens Riviera will be a magnet for citizens, tourists, and investors.
on the key stakeholders that will actively participate in these And that is the responsibility of all involved stakeholders; to constructively work from their side towards
strategic discussions on the Athens Riviera’s emergence as a the direction of making the Athens Riviera a model for sustainable urban development.
hub for investments and growth? Allow me hereby to say that the Greek Economy as a whole, after successfully overcoming the difficult
For us, convening all involved stakeholders to exchange their recess during economic crisis and covid-period and despite the challenges, has a continuing positive
insights, address the emerging challenges, and drive a positive momentum and a renewed vision of openness and investment attraction. Within this vision, the Ath-
consensus for the Athens Riviera, is a top priority. In alignment ens Riviera assumes a central role.
with this approach, concerning the axis of the Athens Riviera,