Page 6 - BLUE INK 2018
P. 6
“Be the change you want to see
in the world”, Mahatma Gandhi
t was about time to focus on the things
that matter most in our lives. In the past,
people would say ‘if it’s sustainable, it
can’t be luxurious’. But nowadays we
I believe quite strongly that we’re able
to offer our guests natural elegance while
minimizing our impact on the planet and
enhancing their wellbeing.
Sustainable luxury was long considered an
oxymoron until recent shifts in the hospitality
industry, responding to new trends, took
eco-travel from niche to necessary. What
began with small efforts to make a difference
evolved to include actions that mirror the
new ethos of sustainable development.
Following this trend, bluegr Hotels & Resorts
values pristine environments and wide-
open spaces, blending luxury with unique
experiences. Considering ourselves a After all, luxury now equates to experiences
pioneer in “barefoot luxury”, we have joined rather than possessions and expensive
the collection of new luxury hotels all over materials.
the world that prioritize sustainability and
simple style without needless bling. We not Reconnecting with friends and family remains
only take pride in our services, but care for the number one motivation for visiting us.
our employees and suppliers, working hard
to protect our land. Reawaken your senses.
Indulge in your passions.
Fine tune your own story in Greece!
Gina Mamidakis
Managing Director
Blue Ink