Page 109 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
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Let us serve you ingenious renditions of rustic recipes and treat
your taste buds to something new at every sitting.
WITH DOMES NORUZ Chania, Autograph of your private pool. Choose unaltered organ-
Collection's distinct culinary identity, serving up ic wine pairings making use of local, ancient
a range of tasty treats, from haute cuisine fusion vineyards that fit the meal, the hour, the mood,
gems to the freshly-picked fruits of the island of where each sip complements the sensory ex-
Crete, marvel at the culinary ethos of the resort: perience that is Domes!
superb ingredients, precise techniques and a TOPOS Domes Noruz Chania, Autograph Col-
healthy dose of creative flair. Domes Noruz Cha- lection's signature restaurant Topos takes Cretan
nia, Autograph Collection's stylish bars will also cuisine to new heights with both traditional and
treat you to no end. Take your pick from cre- more experimental dishes. With its seaside lo-
ative menus and enjoy your beverage of choice cation, muted colour palette and glorious views,
while marvelling at fiery sunsets and sample Topos offers a compact yet highly original menu Topos
restaurant (left).
signature cocktails concocted by award-win- showcasing top-quality ingredients which when Right page:
Healthy choices
ning mixologists Apallou. Add a crisp finish to combined, produce dishes that ooze creativity, at Domes
your evenings as you cool down with low-al- bright flavours and enticing aromas. All this is Noruz Chania,
cohol spritz delights in the crystalline waters served by attentive staff, while our sommelier is Collection.
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