Page 110 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
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Culinary eager to advise on excellent wines from the wine
at Topos list featuring over 160 select vintages, the vast
restaurant majority of which are sourced from local winer-
Left page: ies such as Manoussakis, Karavitakis, Doulou-
The signature
restaurant fakis, Lyrarakis, et al.
Topos (top). RAW With the pool on one side and the Aege-
Enjoy sushi by
the pool at the an on the other, we can’t say that there’s a bet-
Raw (bottom).
ter place to enjoy a perfect cocktail or sushi while
watching the sun as it sets dramatically over the
sea. Let our skilled and experienced mixologists
prepare you an out of this world cocktail, just let
them know what kind of mood you’re in and
your preferable tastes and they will do the rest!
Whether you try something new or you stick with
your usual sushi favourite, the result will definite-
ly pleasantly surprise you!
N BAR Achingly sleek, the N Bar is the inside
bar serving up classic renditions of old favour-
ites and new exciting discoveries.
Dive into a gastronomy experience that takes the authentic ingredients
of Crete and utilizes them in innovative dishes.
DIONYSIS PLIATSIKAS Beach are all unique and indispensable! When
Executive Chef Dionysis Pliatsikas talks about you place all three of these components on a
his inspiration, what makes Cretan cuisine plate, you get a masterpiece of flavour… with
stand out, and Topos’ gastronomy approach. or without our exquisite olive oil!
Which flavours from Crete stand out for you?
After working for acclaimed establishments I visit one of Chania’s farmers’ markets at
in Spain and the UK, Executive Chef Dionysis least every week. I am most drawn to the many
Pliatsikas now leads the talented team at To- different varieties of wild Cretan greens. Some
pos restaurant. are sweet, others salty, or bitter, or aromat-
How would you describe the food at Topos? ic… and you can use them in all sorts of rec-
We use local ingredients: olive oil, fresh veg- ipes – from pies to salads, cooked greens, in
etables, seafood, fish... Ultimately, seasonality the pot or in the pan with meat or fish… liter-
defines the menu. ally everywhere!
What are your favourite ingredients and what Do you combine local and international in-
types of relationships do you have with your gredients in your cooking?
suppliers? Because we focus on local produce and sea-
Our local suppliers are indispensable for us sonality to deliver the best dishes possible, I try
and our dishes. They are our lifeline, our con- not to mix different cooking traditions with Cre-
nection to Crete and its products. We only work tan and Mediterranean cuisine, with the excep-
with certified Cretan producers. Ingredients are tion of our special events.
extremely important. It’s really hard for me to What dish would you recommend from the
choose because there is no one ingredient that menu?
is more important than others. A humble “ofti” That’s a difficult question, but I’ll give you
potato cooked on charcoal, an organic tomato, just one answer: The White Grouper Giouvetsi
even our sea salt sourced straight from Balos with wild fennel.