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 Corfu Town oozes charm, history, fascinating landmarks and interesting
 details around every corner.
                                          10 + 1 REASONS             Rue de Rivoli in Paris, and hous-  important religious buildings,
                                          TO DISCOVER CHIC           es some of the island’s most   the churches of St. Spyridon, the
                                          CORFU TOWN                 elegant cafes and restaurants.   church of the Blessed Virgin of

                                                                     THE TOWN HALL: In Vene-    the Strangers, and the church
                                          SPIANADA SQUARE (ESPLA-    tian times, the building was   of St John are all located around
                                          NADE): It became a public   a meeting place for the is-  this square.
                                          square during the French rule   land’s nobles. Today, it hous-  THE KAPODISTRIAS FAMILY
                                          and was designed according to   es the Municipality of Corfu.   MANSION:
 1201145476.jpg                           the French garden architecture   IONIAN PARLIAMENT: This   Built in 1840, the mansion of
                                          movement. The largest square   neoclassical monument was   Ioannis Kapodistrias, the first
                                          in the Balkans and one of Cor-  built in 1854. In May 1864,   governor of the Modern Greek
                                          fu Town’s most significant mon-  the Ionian Parliament voted   State, was built on the location
                                          uments, Spianada Square is its   for the unification of the Ioni-  of the family’s former mansion.
                                          main social center, where fes-  an Islands with Greece. Vari-  FORTIFICATIONS: There is an
                 Left page: The           tivals and parades take place   ous inscriptions commemo-  impressive 15th century Old
                 bandstand at
               Spaniada Square            throughout the year. A small   rating this vote surround the   Fortress, as well as the New
                      (top).              part of the Esplanade still hosts   main entrance of the building.   Fortress, both Venetian (al-
               The bell tower of
               the Church of St.          the old English cricket field.   PALACE OF SAINT MICHAEL   though the latter houses Brit-
               Spyridon (bottom
               left). Kapodistrias        IONIAN ACADEMY: Towering   AND SAINT GEORGE: Erect-   ish buildings too).
                with the Ionian           on the southern side of Spiana-  ed during the British occupa-  CORFU TOWN BY NIGHT:
                  Academy in
                the background            da Square, the Ionian Academy   tion in 1824 and situated in   When it comes to drinking, din-
                 (middle right).          was founded during the British   the center of Spianada Square,   ing and dancing, this is the hot-
                  architectural           occupation in 1824 by Ioannis   this impressive neoclassical   test, chicest spot in the Ionian
                details, like this
                  relief, can be          Kapodistrias, the first Governor   building was first used as the   Islands.
                 found all over           of the First Hellenic Republic.    commissioner’s official resi-  MUSEUMS: Solomos Museum,
                the city (bottom
                      right).             LISTON ARCADE: Built during   dence. Today, it houses the in-  Byzantine Museum, Museum
                  Right page:             the French occupation, this su-  teresting Museum of Asian Art.   of Asian Art, Numismatic Mu-
               Corfu Town offers          perb arched terrace was inspired   SQUARE OF THE SAINT: Un-  seum and the Reading Society
                ample nightlife
                     options.             by the architectural style of the   doubtedly three of Corfu’s most   of Corfu.

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