Page 156 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
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Available at Domes Resorts & Reserves,
Lazaris Distillery and Artisan Sweets are
keeping the flavours and aromas of Corfu alive.
Made by hand, in small kitchens in the houses around with them and integrating our In our ucts. We want to give the con- In our company, both in our both the distillery and confec-
batches, Lazaris Distillery us. I will never forget the taste products into what they create. company, we sumer the “real” taste of kum- distillery and in the confection- tionery workshops, have am-
and Artisan Sweets produces of nougat or her kumquat jam They know that what a visi- respect quat liqueur. So in answering ery workshops – we respect ple parking facilities and are
liquers and Corfiot sweets that – which she made herself – tor to the island really wants your question, our customers' Corfu’s traditional recipes – easily accessible. All of the fa-
use the finest, purest ingredi- which she spread on hot bread is a connection with the place Corfu’s reviews when they try Lazaris but we often experiment with cilities are open to the public.
ents, following age old tradi- everyday for breakfast. they are visiting, and that is of- traditional Kumquat Liqueur are excellent. new flavor combinations. We Visitors can watch the daily
tions. We caught up with its Domes Resorts & Reserves tentimes through gastronomy. recipes – First, the pleasure is imprint- recently created a new prod- production while our experi-
owner Konstantinos Lazaris harmoniously combine local What the chefs and bartenders but we often ed on their face and then the uct that came onto the mar- enced staff are on hand to ex-
to talk about this pioneering tradition with a relaxed, bohe- have achieved in this sense is excellent reviews compensate ket, namely our two variations plain even more information
company. mian luxury style of stay and so awesome that I can’t actu- experiment us for our hard work and hon- of kumquat chutney: one fla- about the aromas and flavors
Can you describe the sum- innovative experiences. Can ally single out one example. with est attitude towards the con- voured with rosemary and the of Corfu. We also offer a rich
mers that you spent on the is- you tell us about an unexpect- Do you remember a com- new flavor sumer. And of course we are other with anise. Our gin with buffet where visitors can try
land of Corfu, just as you re- ed combination of your prod- ment you received about your combinations. very proud of the fact that our kumquat notes is also ready to all of our products. They can
member them from when you ucts that you tried at Domes company's trademark Lazaris Lazaris Kumquat liqueur was be released - we’re very proud also try our products at the
were a child? Miramare, a Luxury Collec- Kumquat liqueur from a foreign the first kumquat liqueur to be of its fresh, aromatic and cos- Lazaris Brand Stores – one is
My childhood memories are tion Resort, that surprised visitor that really moved you? awarded 2 stars for its quality mopolitan character. located in the heart of the Old
filled with saltiness, playing even you? Before answering your ques- Distillery and and taste at the Athens Food Where would you suggest Town of Corfu and the oth-
games on the beach and feel- Our company’s goal is that tion, I want to say - with re- Artisan Fine Awards 2021 (AFFA21) that our guests visit to enjoy er is located on the road that
Sweets' goal
ing totally carefree. I would stay our products be part of a dai- gret – is that in recent years is that through the blind tasting pro- some of your delicacies so takes you to Paleokastritsa, in
with my grandparents during ly diet and that they ultimate- kumquat liqueur has become our products cess by a panel of experts. that they have a more com- Tsavros. Finally, I would like
be part of a
the summer period and I re- ly provide enjoyment. It real- a somewhat low quality sou- daily Are there any ingredients or plete experience of this mag- to add that our products are
diet and
member the smell of my grand- ly is amazing what chefs and venir. The priority that myself that they KOSTAS BARBADIMOS new ideas that you and your ical island? also available at other stores
mother's cooking, as well as bartenders have done with our and my team set ourselves is ultimately team are experimenting with Our facilities are located and restaurants that we part-
the smells coming from the products by experimenting producing high quality prod- enjoyment. right now? near the Achillion. They house ner with.
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