Page 16 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
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MOST OF US have visited dozens of destina- legendary Domes Miramare, a Luxury Collec-
tions in our lifetime. Yet, we only have just a few tion Resort, Corfu and Domes of Corfu, Auto-
whose memory we hold on to forever, as clear graph Collection, the Domes Resorts & Reserves
in our mind as if we were there just yesterday. family seeks to do the same for accommodation,
Mentally or physically, we keep coming back to making every guest’s stay memorable and worth-
them. No matter how far I travel, the mesmer- while, an intrinsic part of a vacation whose ev-
izing islands of Crete and Corfu – an Aegean ery moment is worth savoring. From intriguing
gem and an Ionian treasure respectively – re- concepts that combine culture and relaxation to
main in my heart as beacons I can’t wait to fol- curated experiences to suit every mood, this ex-
low once again. quisite family of properties succeeds at standing
A land of proud, hospitable people, Crete is out because they deliver luxury with heart and
blessed with endless beauty spots, fantastic food soul, approaching the experience holistically, of-
and fascinating heritage. As for Corfu, its event- fering award-winning design and services, and
ful history has resulted in a truly distinctive mix becoming your passport to the very best of what
of influences that make it one of the most cultur- the region has to offer.
ally vibrant places in the Mediterranean, in ad- I want to invite you to immerse yourself in these
dition to the location of magnificent landmarks. breathtaking locations and in the offering of these
Featuring the extraordinary Domes of Elounda, unique hotels and resorts by discovering the rec-
Autograph Collection, the trendy Domes Noruz ommendations, insights and secrets we’re pre-
Chania, Autograph Collection and Domes Zeen senting in this magazine. Trust me – you’ll be Muses Corfu inspirational Greek concept store… is an idea that came to life in Corfu island. A concept store that brings
Chania, a Luxury Collection Resort, Crete, the amazed to no end. Have a wonderful time! together tradition, culture, contemporary art and fashion, through the presentation of exceptional, refined and alternative
Greek collections. People from around the world are paying a visit in this unique multispace in order to admire the creations
of diverse Greek artists and to learn the story of the idea conception. You are more than welcomed to visit Muses Corfu
• inspirational Greek concept store at and give us the opportunity to personalize your experience.
Elsa Soimiri
22 Michail Theotoki str., Corfu, PC.: 49100, Greece, T. +030 26610 30708, E:
16 musescorfu