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                                                                                                                                               CAMILLA • BALMAIN • MISSONI • NANUSHKA • RHODE • MELISSA ODABASH • LEM LEM• MERCEDES SALAZAR
                                                                                                                                                  CAROLINE CONSTAS • ILANGA • YUZEFI • FABRIZIO VITI • HAYLEY MENZIES • ANCIENT GREEK SANDALS
                                                                                                                                                     ZEUS & DIONE • ANCIENT KALLOS • LITO • ELENA MAKRI •  IOANNA KOURBELA • VASSIA KOSTARA
                                                                                                                                                                 CALLISTA CRAFTS • CHRISTINA SOUBLI • NAEVA • KATERINA MAKRIYANNI

            CRAFTING THE                                                                     the Group has invented CORE
                                                                                             – a Conjunction Of Refined Ex-
                                                                                             periences – as a happening,
            DOMES WAY OF LIFE                                                                multi-functional space that per-
                                                                                             fectly fits into each property’s style
                                                                                             to deliver areas to socialize, shop,
            Defining the Domes Resorts & Reserves ethos and philosophy                       be entertained, eat and drink, dis-
            as they spearhead experiential luxury hospitality in Greece.                     cover artwork and experience the
                                                                                             best of both worlds – urban and
                                                                                             rural. Then, there is the awe-in-
              WHAT MAKES Domes Resorts   this approach, we have been led   combine potent ingredients by   spiring range of curated expe-
            & Reserves stand out? This group   to reimagine deluxe hospitality   renowned brands and proven   riences to live inside and near
            of properties takes a state-of-the-  in coveted destinations across   techniques for relaxation, reju-  these properties: From hands-
            art approach to hospitality, ful-  Greece, with each property boast-  venation and beauty, inside im-  on activities such as traditional
            ly on par with the needs and   ing its own character, informed   maculate settings or in the pri-  ceramics seminars to high-oc-
            demands of the contemporary   by local nature and culture. All   vacy of guestrooms and private   tane pursuits such as helicopter
            traveler. In practice, this means   the while, strategic partnerships   gardens. Moreover, guests can   tours of the Aegean, and to an-
            top-tier, five-star-plus service in-  with world leaders in luxury trav-  choose to treat themselves to the   cient Minoan cooking sessions
            side hotels and resorts that are   el, including Marriott, The Luxury   Haute Living Selection options, a   and romantic yacht cruises, ev-
            striking and comfortable and de-  Collection and Autograph Collec-  signature Domes concept which   ery guest can find activities that
            liver curated spaces, experiences,   tion© evidence adherence to the   grants extra amenities, conve-  speak to their interests and make
            events and activities that stimu-  highest of standards throughout.  niences and privileges through-  their vacation indelible.
            late and inspire guests to discov-  Added to this are Domes’   out the resorts and reserves.  Domes Resorts & Reserves
            er, taste, sample and indulge.   unique sensibilities and signa-  Going above and beyond,   currently boasts properties in the
              Domes Resorts & Reserves   ture, impactful concepts. High                      islands of Crete and Corfu, as well
            keep up to date with industry   gastronomy is a passion for the                  as the charming city of Kavala,                                                                                                                                             info
            trends, evaluating and consider-  Group, who take pride in recruit-              but as the fastest growing luxu-
            ing them in conjunction with the   ing extremely talented chefs to               ry hospitality group in Greece, it
            time-honored tradition of Greek   create nutritious, delectable                  continues to identify opportunities                                  Luxury Resort Wear & Top Greek Designers
            hospitality, to ultimately source   menus based on everything                    to reposition and elevate more re-
            what is most meaningful, useful   that is local, seasonal and fas-  These properties combine   markable hotels and resorts, un-                       Mezzo Mezzo Corfu  38 Nikiforou Theotoki Str. Corfu Old Town, +30 26610 44917
                                                                     innovation, know-how and a
            and appealing to travelers. From   cinating. The Soma Spa suites   passion for hospitality.  locking their full potential.                 Mezzo Mezzo X Ancient Greek Sandals Pop Up 38 Nikiforou Theotoki Str. Corfu Old Town, +30 26610 44917
                                                                                                                                                                      Mezzo Mezzo Athens 21 Irodotou Str. Kolonaki, Athens, +30 210 7211170

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