Page 22 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
P. 22


            MAKRIDIS’                                                                                                                             island. Characteristic details in-  What is the signature element   undoubtedly the factors that de-  Corfiot palette dominates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The warm color of the
            ARCHITECTURAL                                                                                                                         clude the terracotta tiles that line   that you believe sums up your   termine the authentic physiogno-   in all areas of the project.
                                                                                                                                                                            signature as Makridis Associ-
                                                                                                                                                  the floors indoors and outdoors,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       my of the project. We find it in
                                                                                                                                                  unifying the interior with the exte-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       different qualities throughout the
                                                                                                                                                                            ates at Domes of Corfu, Auto-
            SIGNATURE                                                                                                                             rior. Patterns, textures on surfaces   graph Collection?   hotel, through the natural paint,
                                                                                                                                                                              The warm color of the Corfiot
                                                                                                                                                                                                       terracotta tiles, and the oxidized
                                                                                                                                                  and fabrics, rough materials and
                                                                                                                                                  handmade furniture combine to   palette that dominates in all ar-  surfaces of the facades, it creates
            The masterminds behind Domes of Corfu, Autograph Collection's  ethereal                                                               create a unique “mosaic” com-  eas, in combination with all the   atmospheric spaces that are fa-
            architectural beauty, Makridis Associates artfully combined local aesthetics                                                          pleted by the island’s endemic   local architectural elements, are   miliar and welcoming.
            with cutting edge design.                                                                                                             flora and atmospheric lighting.
                                                                                                                                                   Was the Glyfada area on the
                                                                                                                                                  island of Corfu suitable for host-
                                                                                                                                                  ing Domes of Corfu, Autograph
                                                                                                                                                  Collection in terms of design?
                                                                                                                                                  What were the elements of the
                                                                                                                                                  coastal area that you relied on
                                                                                                                                                  and wanted to highlight?
                                                                                                                                                   The unquestionably mythical
                                                                                                                                                  landscape is characterized by a
                                                                                                                                                  magical naturalness as well as
              WHEN IT CAME to the build-                                                                                                          strong contrasts that are how-
            ing of Domes of Corfu, Autograph                                                                                                      ever perfectly harmonized with
            Collection, Makridis Associates                                                                                                       each other, elements that were
            were called upon to create an in-                                                                                                     a source for a creative dialogue
            novative building that was in to-                                                                                                     between the building and its sur-
            tal harmony with its natural sur-                                                                                                     rounding environment. in which
            roundings. We caught up with                          the Domes of Corfu, Autograph   The Domes                                       it is recorded. The shade and tex-
            the firm’s architects and part-                       Collection, with the same meth-  of Corfu,                                      ture of the sand led us to natural
            ners, namely Thodoris Makridis                        od, drawing experiences and                                                     dyes and materials. The exotic
            and Eleanna Makridou to dis-                          stimuli from the island but also  Autograph                                     landscape is also seen through
            cuss more about their design ap-                      from the myth of Homer that viv-  Collection                                    the thick vegetation, which grows
            proach and the strong influence                       idly describes the visit of the trav-  resort                                   inside the buildings in the cen-
            of Corfu’s architectural language.                    eler Odysseus to the magical land   harmoniously                                tral atriums.
              Can you describe to us a little                     of the Phaeacians.                                                               How was the balance kept in-
            about the design philosophy be-                         The Domes of Corfu, Auto-  combines                                           tact with the external environ-
            hind Domes of Corfu Autograph                         graph Collection resort harmoni-  local culture                                 ment?
            Collection?                                           ously combines local culture and   and tradition                                 The spaces were redesigned so
              Whenever our office receives                        tradition with a relaxed, Vene-  with a relaxed,                                that they open out on to the cen-
            a new brief for a project – espe-                     tian and bohemian style. What                                                   tral atriums that form the core of
            cially when it comes to hospital-                     are the pieces of the architec-  Venetian and                                   the main building. Such an ar-
            ity based architecture – the most                     tural puzzle that you wanted to  bohemian                                       chitectural gesture which looks
            important goal for our team is to                     put together?              style.                                               outdoors ensures permeability.
            harmonise our design with the lo-                       Arches, arcades, balconies and                                                At the same time, the boundaries
            cation. This is achieved by creat-                    patios are just some of the el-                                                 of the interior with the exterior be-
            ing deeper connections with his-                      ements of the architectural vo-                                                 come blurred and fluid due to the
            tory, architecture and tradition so                   cabulary that finds its roots in                                                transitional covered semi-outdoor
            that the work fully expresses the                     the traditional architecture seen                                               spaces and the galleries with the
            spirit of the place, albeit through                   throughout the island of Corfu.                                                 large frames. These transition-
            a modern look or lens. As a re-                       Inspired by the local colour pal-                                               al spaces give rise to a dialogue
            sult, visitors get to experience a                    ette, all of the spaces are based                                               between man and nature, while
            unique experience and become                          on ceramic and earthy tones in                                                  at the same time offering him or
            one with the place.               Thodoris Makridis   various tones, since it is unques-                                              her a sense of intimacy, due to
                                         and Eleanna Makridou, archtects
              This is exactly how we took on   of the Makridis Associates.   tionably the couleur local of the                                    their human scale.

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