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            Ioannis Charalambous shares everything you wanted
            to know about the Soma Spa vision and ethos.

              “WELLNESS is at the heart of   the globe and using products that   ing treatments, from the Elemis
            the Domes Resorts & Reserves   are known for their efficacy, qual-  BIOTEC Technology facials to
            experience. At Soma Spas across   ity and decadence. I could go on   the expertly choreographed El-  Ioannis Charalambous
            the Group’s properties, the out-  and on about our fantastic facili-  emis Deep Tissue Massage or   explains the Domes
                                                                                                  Resorts & Reserves spa
            standing knowhow, scientif-  ties which are incredible but, for   one of our Signature therapies in-  experience.
            ic prowess and technology of   us, it’s the people that make the   spired by the local flora and us-
            world leader in spa beauty El-  difference. In combination, these   ing techniques based on Hip-  summer. As for Ioannis’s recom-
            emis has been recruited to help   two can help you reach your ulti-  pocratic practices. I could go on   mendations, “Definitely try one of
            create tantalizing, incredible re-  mate wellness and skin health ex-  and on, but you simply need to   the Elemis BIOTEC Technology
            laxation and rejuvenation rituals   perience,” says Ioannis. In 2021,   try them for yourself!”  Facials at Noruz and Elounda.
            that are customized to suit guest   Soma Spas have launched a se-  If there are two things that   They are going to be the most ad-
            needs and preferences. We’ve   ries of Signature therapies in-  stand out from Ioannis’s enthusi-  vanced anti-aging facials you’ve
            also joined forces with modern   spired by locality and years of ex-  astic discussion of Domes’ Soma   ever had. As for our massages, try
            apothecary brand CODAGE Par-  pertise. “We are very proud to be   Spa ethos is the constant atten-  the Hippocratic Therapeutic Mas-
            is, to create custom serum cock-  offering treatments inspired by the   tion to detail on the staff’s part,   sage, offered at all Soma Spas.
            tails for an haute couture skin   flora of Crete and Corfu, and the   as well as the drive to never stop   Or our CBD Relaxing Massage
            experience, and utilize iS Clini-  medical practices of Hippocrates.   evolving and taking things to the   that focuses on easing inflam-
            cal pharmaceutical grade prod-  Our Signature therapies extend to   next level. “Winter is a time for   mation and pain. However, the
            ucts to address skin concerns at   very carefully curated experiences   us to reflect and improve our ser-  ultimate pick for the season for
            a very high, medical-grade level,”   that can benefit the level of your   vices, our facilities and our of-  me is the Sleep Recovery Pack-
            explains Ioannis Charalambous,   sleep, or offer targeted detox to   fering together with the chosen   age that offers a 360 approach
            a Domes Resorts & Reserves Spa   restore equilibrium and trigger a   global brands we have at Soma   to wellness, body and skin, and
            Consultant, Elemis Vice President   more holistic lifestyle.”  Spas.” The fruits of this hard work   helps you balance your body’s in-
            of International Sales and Rel-  Everything in this immersive   are reaped by delighted guests   nate biological wisdom, to heal
            ia Director of Spa Development.   spa concept is tailored to each   from around the world every   and regenerate!”
            “At Domes Resorts & Reserves,   guest. “All Soma Spas share a
            we take spa very seriously, and   common philosophy which re-
            aim to help you improve your life-  volves around the guest. It is all
            style, your skin and your whole   about how you feel that specif-
            understanding of wellness and   ic day and time. Nobody is the
            wellbeing.” On offer are “treat-  same and no skin is the same.
            ments with real results for body   Therefore, we ensure that once
            and spirit that are simple and ef-  you enter Soma Spa, we get to
            fective.” A select team of expe-  know what exactly fits your skin
            rienced spa professionals don't   and wellness that specific day,
            just work with exceptional tech-  time, moment, second… After
            niques but come equipped with   all, our skin changes according
            an arsenal of highly specialized   to our lifestyle, with prolonged
            products and high-tech devices   traveling, stress, bad sleep and
            to deliver expert beauty and well-  so on affecting its appearance                                                                                                   Resort - Potie 27, Old Town, Chania 73132
            ness protocols.            and health… At Domes Resorts                                                                                                    Beach Store - Karaoli & Dimitriou 34, Old Town, Chania 73132
              “Treatments are inspired by ex-  & Reserves’ Soma Spas, we have                                                                                                     Men's - Potie 23, Old Town Chania 73132
            pert techniques from all around   an extensive portfolio of amaz-
                                                                                                                                                                               Mykonos - Zanni Pittaraki 9, Mykonos 84600
                                                                                                                                                            | @justbrazilstore |

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