Page 163 - DOMES_STORIES_2021
P. 163


 BLU BAR Having attracted royalty, jet setters
 and the crème de la crème of Europe, who   PETROS DIMAS                          to the change in the olive oil’s structure. Then
 chose to host their parties there, today, the   Executive chef at the Domes Miramare,   the eggs with potatoes, truffles, Greek gaviera
 Blu Bar continues to stun guests with its dis-  a Luxury Collection Resort, Corfu, Petros   cheese and sigklino pork where different tex-
 tinctive, vibrant hue that echoes the sea, in-  Dimas talks about the concepts behind   tures and techniques create something truly
 triguing collectables and a unique sense of   what makes the resort’s restaurants so   extraordinary.
 style. Unmistakably chic, with wood, marble   memorable.                           What special techniques and ingredients will
 and silver details as well as pure white tones                                   guests come across?
 setting the mood, this is the resort’s most so-  Having worked at  Badrutt's Palace in Swit-  In addition to presentation, we have a fully
 phisticated bar where the soft notes of live pi-  zerland, Pollen Street Social in London (award-  equipped kitchen that allows us to work with
 ano scores serve as the softest background   ed a Michelin star), Aquavit in London (awarded  various techniques such as cooking at low tem-
 for enjoying premium spirits, excellent wine   a Michelin star) and in Greece at Hytra and Va-  peratures for many hours (sous vide), fermen-
 and signature cocktails.                 roulko (both awarded with a Michelin star), we  tation, lactic fermentation, pickling, extraction
 RAW BAR Located above the dining area, the   caught up with Petros Dimas to talk about ev-  and using ingredients such as fungi, algae, lac-
 Raw Bar offers stunning sea vistas best en-  erything that excites him about the gastronom-  tose, calcium and liquid nitrogen.
 joyed with a selection of premium sushi – pre-  ic offerings at the Domes Miramare, a Luxury   What would a foodie love about the restau-
 pared in its open kitchen by the resident sushi   Collection Resort, Corfu.      rant and why would they revisit?
 chef – along with some fine champagne and   What type of cuisine is served at the flag-  The Ingredients both from land and sea and
 exquisite cocktails prepared by the award-win-  ship restaurant and what inspired the con-  the overall experience that the food and the taste
 ning mixologist team of Apallou. From early   cept behind it?                    of the dishes offer.
 Silver incense
 evening all the way through to the after hours,   burners are   Modern Greek cuisine - The concept is drawn   Can you tell us something about the des-
 indulge in food and drink at a nightlife haven,   hanging from   from Greece itself and its seasonal ingredients  serts?
 the ceiling of the
 while our DJ spins lounge music that soothes   distinctive Blu   where traditional recipes are refined and mar-  We have played with yoghurt, honey and wal-
 the soul. Verde Pool Bar – Located between   Bar reminding   ried with a new way of presentation.  nuts to create an intriguing and delicious dessert.
 Saint Spyridon
 the main swimming pool and the sea, enjoy   Church of Corfu   What do you think are the top two dishes,  Then there’s the beetroot salad with orange, ha-
 (top). Verde Pool
 a variety of drinks, snacks or iced beverages   Bar (bottom).    and what makes them so special?   zelnuts and goat cheese, which we have turned
 throughout the day at this refreshingly wel-  Right page:   The organic olive oil sorbet flavored with ber-  into a very special dessert, and other handmade
 The terrace
 come spot open throughout the day.  of the Raw Bar.   gamot, basil and louiza appetizer solely due  desserts, and our various handmade breads.

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