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neys, from growing ingredients to techniques
passed down from generation to generation
LIVING TO and cooking from the heart, they are a fantas-
tic option for those who take pleasure in flavor-
THE FULLEST some, authentic food.
From traditional Greek coffee making, olive oil harvesting, farming, fishing and live Mysterious and inviting, the Ionian Sea sur-
classical music, discover a series of wonderful memorable experiences. rounding the magnificent island of Corfu has
captured the imagination of travelers through
the ages. If you feel like getting on board a lux-
urious boat to marvel at the sight of Corfu from
a different perspective, the resort’s own Mira-
maretta is just the right choice. You’ll be explor-
ing the coastline and landmarks such as the re-
gal Mon Repo from your privileged spot on the
deck while sipping lush champagne and tak-
ing picture after picture.
Visit one of Corfu’s most acclaimed olive groves
Wellness gram by The Luxury Collection that takes you to discover the secrets behind making a premi-
morning by off-site for an authentic look into how the peo- um, award-winning olive oil: the Dafnis Family’s
the sea at ple of Corfu eat – and how their incredibly rich acclaimed The Governor EVOO. Taking a guid-
gastronomic heritage came to be. The Daily Epi-
ed tour of the olive grove and mill, you’ll learn
the Domes curean Moment experience will take place every about olive trees and the history of olive mak-
Miramare, evening in the hotel’s welcoming lobby where ing. Of course, you’ll also enjoy a special olive
a Luxury we will serve delicious must-try local sweets oil seminar and tasting session to sample some
Collection together with a Greek coffee, prepared live the of the estate’s finest products and learn how to
recognise premium olive oil. You’ll also receive a
old fashioned way, using very finely ground cof-
Resort, Corfu. fee beans, served at the traditional hammered certificate of participation and have the chance
Copper Serving Tray. The fresh sweet creations to adopt or sponsor a Corfiot olive tree!
will be made by our pastry chef and will in-
clude traditional sweets that you can find only GET A TASTE OF THAT CORFIOT ZING
in Corfu such as Mandolato, sesame bars with Discover the kumquat, Corfu’s signature fruit.
THE EXQUISITE DOMES MIRAMARE, a Luxury DESTINATION DISCOVERY Kumquats, which is a local fruit that tastes like This diminutive orange lookalike is delightful-
Collection Resort, Corfu is blessed with its own pri- Beginning with the island’s rich musical her- tangerine, Marzipan/crushed almond sweets, ly zingy and delicious, exploding with bright,
vate beach, boasting crystal-clear shallow waters itage, our Destination Discovery experience and Sicomada, a kind of cake prepared with contrasting flavours. Visiting the Lazaris Distill-
in kaleidoscopic shades of azure, turquoise and dates back to the time when the Seven Islands dried figs, almonds, orange skin, pepper, cin- ery and Artisan Sweets facility, you’ll tour the
blue. Adding to this spectacular natural scenery (the Ionian Islands) were under Venetian rule. namon, wine and Ouzo. Our Weekly Epicure- exhibition area -complete with antique machin-
is a wealth of opportunity for relaxation, adven- In what will be a weekly event, well respected an Moment experience will provide guests with ery and audiovisual exhibits- to learn about the
ture and excitement. From floating sofas and sun local musicians and a renowned philharmon- an insight into the history of olive oil and the old tradition and heritage of producing kumquat li-
loungers to bask in the sun in style to speed craft ic band will perform an hour long repertoire of Venetian groves at Miramare that date back to queurs and sweets and enjoy a complimenta-
Mas 28 Elegance and the luxurious Miramaretta classical pieces as well as other scores from the Miramaretta 1400-1500. Led by The Governor, a family of ry tasting of Lazaris products.
is the resort's
motorboat, all the way through to beach sports, cinema and well known musicals. iconic yacht, local olive oil experts, this event will be held in
seaside training sessions, SUP rides, wakeboard- eagerly a wonderful Mediterranean setting with spec- EXPERIENCE TRUE ARTISANAL HERITAGE
awaiting to
ing and more, you’re in charge of your beach ex- EPICUREAN MOMENTS take you to the tacular sea views, providing guests with the Step back through time and enjoy a unique cul-
perience, taking your picks from popular as well The elegant setting of Domes Miramare, a Lux- inviting waters opportunity to learn about the various stages tural experience at the family-owned Patounis
of the Ionian
as niche options. What’s more, a handful of un- ury Collection Resort, Corfu can be your starting Sea. Left page: of olive oil harvesting, processing and extract- Soap Manufactory. You’ll tour the workshop,
Taste the best
forgettable experiences especially designed for point for a rare, one-of-a- kind culinary experi- Greek coffee ing, as well as the opportunity to taste fine ex- witness traditional soapmaking using authen-
you which have a strong focus on the traditions ence focused on everything that’s local, fresh of your life, tra virgin and flavored olive oils accompanied tic 19th century tools and equipment, and learn
and food industry of the island of Corfu. and delicious. Be Epicurean is a signature pro- made. by delicious tapas. As for the Epicurean Jour- about the centuries-old techniques the family
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