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 The Monastery
 in the chapel of Agios Ioannis in   Agios Antonios, located right next   of Panagia
 Apopigadi, on the eve of the feast of   to the coast, celebrates on July 2.   Chrysoskalitissa with
 the Saint, the chapel offers incredible   On the day, you’ll see pilgrims on   its unique views of the
 views of Chania, the plain filled   the beach as well as other pilgrims   Libyan Sea.
 with orange producing villages and   sleeping in the countryside as part of
 lush landscapes, from Kolymbari to   the traditional celebrations.
 Gramvousa, Akrotiri, Skloka, as well
 as the northern side of the White   AGIO S KIRIKO S FE S TIVAL -
 Mountains. In the morning, visitors   LIS SO S (JULY 15)
 can also see the beautiful sunrise   ---
 that emerges out from the sea. The   This unique festival takes place in
 chapel of Agios Ioannis was built in   Selino, a mythical place located 3
 1873 which pilgrims once visited on   km from Sougia in a verdant valley.   A S SUMPTION OF THE OTOK O S
 horseback. During that era, fires were   Pilgrims begin to arrive in Ancient   - CHR Y SO SKALITIS S A,
 lit as per the custom of ‘Klidonas’   Lissos on foot or by boats from Sougia   EL AFONIS SI (A UGUS T 15)
 along with wrestling tournaments,   early in the afternoon on the previous   ---
 unofficial, of course, which once   day. Hikers (the trail from Sougia   This celebration takes place in the
 resulted in real quarrels erupting   passes through Ancient Lissos) and   beautiful monastery, with its unique
 amongst young villagers from the   boats transporting pilgrims arrive on   views of the Libyan Sea, namely the
 surrounding villages!  the beach, head to the chapel, attend   Monastery of Panagia Chrysoskalitissa,  WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK EMMANOUIL NTOUKAKIS, SPECIAL TOURISM PARTNER OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CHANIA
 the religious ceremony and then set   located very close to Elafonissi. The
 FE S TIVAL OF AGIO S   up the large feast.  white monastery is built high up on a
 ANTONIO S - SOUGIA, CHAREI   large 35 meter rock offering amazing
 (JULY 1-2)  FE S TIVAL OF AGIA MARINA   views over the Libyan Sea. According
 ---  MONA S TIR AKI RE THYMNON   to religious tradition, one of the 90
 This unique traditional festival takes   (JULY 17)  steps, dug into the rockface leading
 place in the coastal chapel located   ---  to the top of the monastery is made of
 in Charei and is reached either by   Both the picturesque location in which   gold, which interestingly “only those
 a two hour walk along the E4 trail   the festival takes place, along with the   that believe can see”. The monastery
 leading from Sougia to Agia Roumeli   great turnout of pilgrims, is a living   is also known for the miraculous icon
 boasting views of the Libyan Sea and   example of the connection of tradition   of the Assumption of Theotokos
 the pine tree covered slopes, or by boat   with the modern era. All you need is   dating back to the second half of the
 directly from Sougia. The chapel of   to go up to the Rethymnon region.    17th century. •

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