P. 113


 Dive into a gastronomy experience that takes the authentic ingredients of Crete
 and utilizes them in innovative dishes.

 The iconic Zeen restaurant   ful hall, you’ll discover a whole   opt for one of the three meze
 perfectly encapsulates the   new realm of flavors, aromas   bundles, named after the Sea,
 Domes Resorts vision for an ep-  and textures – delicious combi-  Garden or Land, depending on
 icurean offering that combines   nations of certified organic Cre-  their focus. Grilled meats, tra-
 local tradition with fascinating   tan ingredients that are cooked,   ditional Greek and Cretan rec-
 flavors and high dining tech-  plated and served to perfec-  ipes (including vegan options)
 niques, serving a wealth of dish-  tion. On your part, your task   Top left:   as well as the freshest catch of
 es that are informed by Cretan   is choosing what to have from   Oozing with   the day deliver a multisensory
 flavor, the
 cuisine and the best and bright-  epicurean gems such as the   food at Domes   experience, paired with a bot-
 Noruz is equally
 est ingredients this island grows.   Raw Spaghetti, whose sauce   stunning to   tle or glass of specialty wine.
 The modern all-day restaurant   is based on vibrant, fresh to-  look at.   Zeen restaurant takes real pride
 of Domes Noruz boasts deli cor-  matoes and herbs, or the Sig-  Top right:   in its wine selection, not just for
 ners, a vitality bar and bakery   nature Caesar, given a Cretan   Alfresco   the 160+ handpicked labels
 dining at Zeen
 display during breakfast, but   spin by enlisting the help of   restaurant.   on offer but because the ma-
 what’s truly going to take your   local apaki meat and gruyere   Middle:   jority comes from local, small
 breath away are the lunch and   cheese. To sample the full glo-  Enjoying the   wineries with a long history of
 sea breeze at
 dinner dishes. Inside this color-  ry of Crete’s produce, you can   Zeen.   traditional vine cultivation and



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