Page 121 - EMPIRIA 2024
P. 121

Special Feature

 Travel to a culinary journey with Thalassamou, the idyllic restaurant-oyster bar where diners               enjoy a perfect cocktail or chilled glass of wine with sublime far reaching Aegean Sea views.

 A fourth-generation cook, Marios Salmatanis, is at the helm   How does your cuisine connect with the island of Paros?
 of the gourmet seafood restaurant, Thalassamou. As its   The connection is immediate. In addition to our own
 owner and chef, he prepares an inspiring menu that reflects   organic farm, we work closely with local farmers which also
 the location of the seaside restaurant and his creativity for   contributes to the destination’s sustainability, while we also
 passionate dishes. Having completed his studies at the “Ecole   collect wild mushrooms that take centre stage in the menu.
 Ritz Escoffier”, he went on to collaborate with renowned   Close partnerships with fishermen ensure that seafood and
 restaurants in Europe. We caught up with this innovative   fish are also brought in daily ensuring fresh, authentic dishes
 Greek chef to talk about his culinary vision and his focus on   of the day, such as the grouper filet fricassé.
 This year, a new restaurant is opening at the marina of   What other measures do you take in terms of sustainability?
 Alyki in Paros. Named Fotia by Thalassamou, it will offer   Sourcing the very best ingredients as locally as possible and
 Mediterranean cuisine with seasonal ingredients, cooked   supporting local communities. I don’t believe that any food
 entirely over fire. It will be an all-day venue, serving brunch,   should ever be wasted, so anything not used is fed to domestic
 lunch, and dinner, and is set to open in July.  animals resulting in zero food waste. In addition to that, we
 also recycle all glass and plastic material, as well as the
 How would you describe your cooking style?  cooked oils which turn into soap for our restaurant reducing
 Our approach can be called innovative while paying homage   our footprint to its minimum.
 to traditional recipes. We slow cook most of our dishes in
 ceramic pots in the wood oven, a technique I learned from   Which is the first dish you would recommend to someone to
 previous generations. The sensibility of Thalassamou has   try when visiting Paros and your restaurant?
 always been to embrace what’s in season and channel it with   You cannot leave the island without tasting the traditional
 a twist. Perfect examples of that philosophy are the dishes of   “revithada” (chickpeas in a ceramic pot, slowly cooked in a
 ajo blanco with beetroots and red mullet filets and the blue   wood oven), and our signature dish, which is mock calamari
 crab with mango chutney and apple chips. We’ve also added a   risotto in its ink with green apple and peppermint—no rice!
 beautiful cycladic wood oven to enhance our offering including
 our signature sourdough bread which is daily handmade.

 Thalassamou Pisso Aliki Beach, Aliki, Paros 84400, T.:+30 22840 91461, E.:              Thalassamou
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