Page 124 - EMPIRIA 2024
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                                                                                                                                                                with his
              Designing Exceptional                                                                                                                       Empiria Group's
                                                                                                                                                           aesthetic, has
                                                                                                                                                          hotels, creating
                                                                                                                                                            a tranquil yet
              Spaces                                                                                                                                       contemporary

              Stamos Hondrodimos, the creative force behind the

              comprehensive design of Empiria, shares the essential values
              and philosophy of his work.

              Stamos Hondrodimos, the Head of Design and Founder of                                                                  Contemporary
              Interior Design Laboratorium, is the mastermind behind the
              holistic design of Empiria Group's hotels. He discusses the                                                            elements
              core principles and ethos that connect him with the Empiria
              Your designs often blend a destination’s tradition with                                                                with traditional
              modern aesthetics. Can you share the primary sources
              of inspiration that drive your creative process, especially                                                            Cycladic charm
              when working on hospitality projects like Mystique in
              Santorini or Cosme in Paros?                                                                                           offer guests
              At Interior Design Laboratorium, our philosophy is to draw
              inspiration from the environment surrounding each project.                                                             an immersive
              For us, this is the beginning, middle, and end. We analyze
              and explore the history of each place—its social, folkloric, and                                                       experience.
              architectural elements—and what each location represents.
              Essentially, we want a visitor from the other side of the world
              to immediately understand that they are in that specific place,
              for example, the Cyclades. We aim for every visitor to feel                                                            every project we design. From our side, we prioritize the   For Interior Design Laboratorium, the biggest challenge is to
              that they are on a particular island without any confusion.                                                            functionality of the spaces before the design. We consider   create something that is an aesthetic benchmark, at least for
              This is why our projects are characterized by simplicity. Our                                                          how people will work, what they will need to operate efficiently.  Greek standards. That is, not to copy something that already
              office’s motto is ‘studied simplicity,’ which is intrinsically                                                         Interior Design Laboratorium is known for its attention to   exists but to be a model to emulate.
              linked to the DNA of the Cyclades, where simplicity is a                                                               detail and use of natural materials. How does your design   How do you envision the evolution of your collaboration
              fundamental characteristic of the architecture. These islands                                                          philosophy manifest in your projects with Empiria Group?  with Empiria Group, and what new directions are you
              have produced unique architecture that is a global reference                                                           Due to our DNA as interior architects, we have learned to   preparing to explore in future projects?
              point. Thus, we strive to combine and take references from the                                                         work with even the smallest detail. In our collaboration with   We are already working on new projects on new islands. Since
              past, from traditional architecture, and bring them translated                                                         Empiria, something unusual and unique has happened. Istoria,   our collaboration spans almost 15 years, the partnership has
              into today and tomorrow.                                                                                               Parilio, and Cosme are examples where we have designed   become almost emotional. We know each other, we have common
              When starting a new hospitality project, what is your general                                                          everything—the architecture, the landscape, and the master   elements, common visions. Empiria is always looking far ahead,
              vision for the guest? How do you balance the functional                                                                plan. In these three examples, one can perceive a holistic   progressing step by step, continuously, without stopping, and
              requirements of a luxury hotel with the desire to create a                                                             aesthetic identity, and the guest can experience the same   we have learned to follow this rhythm. We love creating in places
              unique and unforgettable experience?                                                                                   feeling from beginning to end.                  that have inspiration and history behind them, like the Cyclades.
              Our overall vision is to create a feeling for the guest. We don’t                                                      What are some of the biggest challenges you face when   Discovering pure islands by hotel industry standards, we aim
              just want to design a space; we want there to be a story behind                                                        designing for high-end hospitality environments? Can you   to uncover their stories and explore what to do in a new place
              it that ultimately makes the guest feel something beautiful.                                                           provide an example of a particularly demanding project   together with the group.Therefore, there is a shared vision, and
              This is paramount: the guest should feel experiences within                                                            and how did you overcome these difficulties?    both sides are very excited about this. •

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