Page 127 - EMPIRIA 2024
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 Paros   Creative Pulse  inspiring experience many are eager   creators – writers, poets, musicians,   illustrated the destruction of traditional

              to return to.
                                                                              countries’ fishing customs. It was
                                              and even scientists – we have an
              Our monthly Open Studios event is   historians, curators, translators,   trawlers and was inspired by these
 Exclusive insights into Dimitra Skandali’s passion and Cycladic   a big day for us all. Residents and   exhibition space, my grandparents'   titled “Salparame – Zarpamos” and
              visitors can explore the studios and   renovated house. The program of   backed by The Paros Festival and
 Arts center, key parts of her mission to support diverse creative   get to know the artists, their pieces   contemporary art exhibitions allows   Etxepare Euskal Institutua of Bilbao.
 collaborations from the heartwarming embrace of Paros.  and ideas. Our guests learn about   the island's residents and visitors   The second exhibition was “What We
                                                                              Learn from Land and Sea”, curated
                                              to experience a dialogue between
              Greek customs and get a taste of
                                                                              by Jurriaan Benchop. It was an ode
                                                                              to the Cycladic landscape, light, and
                                                                              architecture, which balances constraint
                                                                              and the need for advancement. The
                                                                              writings of the scholar and thinker
                                                                              Zissimos Lorenzatos inspired it. It
                                                                              featured three Northern and Central
                                                                              European artists and two Greeks.
                                                                              The exhibitions are easy to visit every
                                                                              day during the gallery’s opening times.
                                                                              Everyone can talk to the respective
                                                                              artists and visit their studios with
                                                                              their permission.
                                                                              Another opportunity to visit is the
                                                                              aforementioned monthly celebration.
                                                                              Such occasions are wonderful for
                                                                              my family and me. The house of my
                                                                              grandparents, Kapetan Konstantis
                                                                              and Moschou Skandalis, was built
                                                                              in 1927 and was always a gathering
                                                                              place despite those years’ hardships.
                                                                              12 children were born, each with their
                                                                              own story. More children, grandchildren,
                                                                              and great-grandchildren came. They
                                                                              still gather with their friends in the
                                                                              same house and yard. Hearing them
                                                                              tell stories about the olden days is
                                                                              deeply touching.
                                                                              Documentaries and movies make
 Dimitra Skandali, an award-winning   a shared kitchen, laundry facilities,   Paros residents and   our tunes – traditional, rebetiko, and   Greek and international artists.  up another social event. It started
 artist from Paros, founded the Cycladic   tools, and cleaning products. The   visitors alike are   other genres – from local musicians.   Our first exhibition in 2022 hosted   in 2023 with three environmental
 Arts Residency Program for creatives   village and island are beautiful as is   welcome in the old house   Everyone comes together to revel in   artist friends from Greece, and other   films, supported by the Cyclades
 of Dimitra Skandali’s
 from all over the world. The center   the reception from restaurants and   grandparents, now the   creativity and Greek hospitality. Seeing   countries. I’d met them during my   Preservation Fund and the Hellenic
 fosters artistic exchange, especially   locals, who often become friends with   center's most important   people’s reactions is heart-warming   studies at the Athens School of Fine   Initiative in collaboration with Cinedoc
 dialogues regarding the environment,   the artists. Other points of interest are   exhibition space. The   and moving. They hunger for new   Arts and in San Francisco Art Institute,   and Anemon productions. The screening
 family’s hospitality is a
 humanity, and personal identity.   coastal and mountain hikes, visits to   longstanding tradition.  experiences and perspectives. Artists   where I did my postgraduate degree   of old Greek films, too, was a delight
 Describe in a few words how artists   Antiparos, Despotiko, Delos, and the   Opposite, the family home   need this connection, and they’re   in New Genres and lived there for   for children and adults alike.
 experience your center.  beaches of Alyki, the Archaeological   in the 1950s.  generous with their time and work.  almost nine years. The exhibition was   All the above are announced on our
 Our center has only been open for a   Museum of Paros, the Folklore Museum   Do you allow non-artists to browse   called “[is]land of dreams” and was   website, social profiles, and posters.
 year, after a trial summer period in 2022.   of Benetos Skiadas in Alyki, ancient   your space and see samples of your   curated by Dr. Kostas Prapoglou.  What has your relationship with art
 Our artists are often in love with the   quarries, traditional workshops,   guests' work?  In 2023, we hosted two exhibitions.   on this island taught you?
 place when they leave. Everyone has   delicious food, and exploring olive   Yes, of course! This is the program's   The first invited artists from Spain’s   Growing up in Alyki and overcoming
 their own room and studio alongside   mills and souma distilleries. A rich,   goal. To share. Besides hosting various   Bilbao and Greece, whose work   many obstacles to find my art form, I

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