Page 129 - EMPIRIA 2024
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 craved expression beyond the trivial.   Carefully curated
 I studied business administration and   amenities ensure
 artists can
 worked in this field for 11 years. My   live and work
 need to express myself led me to The   independently
 Aegean Center for the Fine Arts at the   during their
 age of 26, where Jane and John Pack   But social
 and Geffrey and Liz Carson, active   opportunities are
 always available
 on the island since 1965, introduced   at Cycladic Arts,
 me to painting and art history. They   whether it’s
 helped me see that art sweetened   chatting with
 my soul, and I decided to do more.   fellow guests or
 celebrating with
 So, I applied to the School of Fine   the locals.
 Arts at 36.
 Now, I identify with children’s ability to
 see other realities, find different forms
 of expression, mingle with different
 people, and communicate meaningfully.

              The studios care for and inspire the center's artists, connecting them with
              breathtaking Cycladic views, as well as visitors curious about their work and ideas.
              Cycladic Arts, a haven for the creative community.

 I admire creators who talk to each   world. This year they’re from Australia,   and embroidery. They’ll connect with
 other and learn about Greek customs   South Africa, Italy, Canada, and the   the community while approaching
 or when they knit and embroider with   US. And we already have bookings for   our beautiful Cycladic traditions and
 aunts and grandmothers and they   2025 from people based in Germany,   nature, as well as the climate crisis.
 weave nets with the fishermen; when   Austria, the US, and Canada.  They will present their works on a
 they build dry stone walls with the   Specialities vary, from visual artists,   special public event on July 13th.
 masons, and visit local producers of   writers, and academics to musicians,   Immediately after that, we are hosting a
 oil, cheese, wine, and souma. When   curators, and social rights activists. In   group exhibition with local and foreign
 they listen to the elders and learn   2025, we also expect representatives   artists, residents of the island whose
 about the Cycladic way’s value and   from fellow hosting programs with the   work is inspired by Archilochus, the   of Askavlos (a documentary about
 uniqueness. We get to love it again   prospect of cooperation.  ancient Parian lyric poet from 7th   askavlos , the ancient Greek bagpipe),
 through the eyes of one who sees it   Every year a Torrance Art Museum   century BC. The theme will be taken   Express Scopelitis (a documentary
 for the first time.  committee sponsors an artist from   from one of his poems and the works   about the Express Scopelitis boat
 My experience also stems from the   southern California to  stay with us   presented will be from paintings and   which connects the small Cyclades
 locals’ hunger for theater, music,   in September. Likewise, the Rome-  photography to sculptures, ceramic   Islands for more than 40 years), Silent
 and shows, bombarded with events   based curatorial committee AAC   and marble pieces, and site-specific   Fish (a film about the struggling of
 in the summer but not in the winter.   Platform chooses one artist, curator,   installations. We are currently in   survival of fishermen, who are at risk
 That’s why our program of exhibitions,   or writer every year.  discussion with more initiatives to   of becoming “endangered species”
 ''Everyone comes together   screenings, and lectures takes place   Students from the University of   host one more group exhibition this   due to failed EU and national policies),
 from March to November every year,   California’s Art Practice & Berkeley   fall with multi-media pieces by Greek   Aphrodite of Melos, Dolphin Man,
 to revel in creativity and Greek   but also when we’re not hosting artists   Center for New Media class are   and international artists. During   Little Land among other films.
                                                                              Specific dates of all the above are
              coming in July this year. Our gallery
                                              the whole year until December we
 (December – February).
 hospitality. Seeing people’s   Which artists will you collaborate   and outdoor spaces will host their   are going to project several films   announced on our social media and
              work on tradition, self-discovery,
                                              and documentaries focused on the
                                                                              the News section in the Cycladic
 with this year, and who are your
 reactions is    sweet and moving. ''      international partners or backers?  and ecology as they use various local   protection of our cultural heritage and   Arts website. Of course, entrance is
                                              natural recourses like: The Journey
 We get creatives from all over the
                                                                              always free for all of these events.•
              materials and techniques, like knitting
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