Page 131 - EMPIRIA 2024
P. 131


 Loom    Legacy

 Handmade delights breathe new life
                                                                                  The family loom has been
 into the traditional Paros art of weaving.                                       in existence for centuries,
                                                                                  passed down through
                                                                                  generations in  Marigoula's
 Marigoula Anousaki-Fisilani discusses                                            family. She continues
                                                                                  this tradition and craft by
 her techniques and creative journey.                                             creating accessories from
                                                                                  recyclable materials.

 Inter view Georgia Nikolina

 As a self-taught artist, Marigoula   magazines, I predominantly design
 Anousaki-Fisilani uses her loom to   my pieces by experimenting with
 blend traditional weaving techniques   fabrics. This approach allows me to
 with modern designs for bags and   craft elegant handbags and other
 household items.  items, enhancing traditional weaving
 How does living on a Greek island   with contemporary aesthetics. The
 influence the use of a traditional   loom, paired with innovative design,
 technique  like weaving?  Did  it   offers endless possibilities.
 help you improve and find new   How long does it take to complete
 inspiration?  a handmade piece? What items do
 The serene environment and the rich   you create?
 heritage of Paros, where I reside   The time required varies based on
 in a 16th-century house that has   factors like the type of thread and
 witnessed 20 generations, deeply   the duration one can comfortably
 inspire my work. My grandmothers   work, as weaving can strain the back.
 and great-grandmothers, like all   For example, weaving a meter of
 women on Paros, used the loom.   fabric might take four hours or more,
 Over the past decade, my skills have   depending on the thread's thickness.   "Τhe loom is often great
 been significantly refined. Initially   My creations include shoulder bags,
 indifferent to the loom, I found my   purses, clutch bags, large bags, bath   when something’s bothering you.
 passion for it upon returning home   mats, baskets, cushions, and more—
 to care for my mother. Since then,   essentially anything that comes to mind.  This work helps you      forget."
 weaving has become my life's work,   What keeps you motivated and
 filling me with joy and eagerness to   creatively inspired?
 create. The tranquility and absence of   The appreciation and admiration
 stress here are ideal for my creativity.   from people who see and love my
 The more I weave, the more ideas   work are incredibly motivating. This
 Marigoula Anousaki at her   emerge, allowing my craft to evolve   positive feedback fuels my passion.
 family home in Marpissa.
 After all, the island of Paros   continuously.  Previously, I only worked at our family
 is her whole life.  Do fashion trends influence your   restaurant, but now weaving is both
 handmade creations? How do you   my profession and my cherished
 balance tradition with contemporary   hobby. Maintaining the right mindset
 style?  is crucial for effective creativity; it’s
 I source fabrics in modern colors and   a therapeutic activity that helps me
 integrate them into my creations.   focus and find solace, especially
 Although I draw inspiration from   when working with vibrant colors. •

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