Page 140 - EMPIRIA 2024
P. 140


     Designed as an extension of the soulful, whitewashed
     village of Naoussa (left), Cosme is inspired by the ever-
     present water element (middle). Its stargazing terrace
     (opposite, right) at the highest point of the hotel promises
     you a celestial voyage, where the stars align to create
     moments to collect and memories to cherish.

              Experience the joy of            freedom.                                                                              At Cosme, you can choose what comes next.

              YOU ONLY NEED A MOMENT, a glimpse, to realise why Cosme,   Cosme is an homage to the island’s iconic villages, their   Mandilari of Naked Summers. These artistic displays
              a Luxury Collection Resort, a spirited, cosmopolitan home   white-washed sugarcube houses and flagstone-paved alleys.   enrich the ambiance, offering guests a sophisticated
              away from home, has already earned such an outstanding   A masterclass in understated elegance, its 40 stunning        cultural journey that complements the natural beauty and
              reputation as one of the most coveted luxury hotels in the   suites deliver superb comfort and style, featuring custom   luxurious atmosphere of the resort. Meandering pathways
              Cyclades archipelago. In its every expression, the hotel   furniture and handmade pieces alongside enchanting          invite you to wander under the island sky, as you visit the
              embodies the Aegean Touch, a new aesthetic philosophy   views, private terraces, sunbeds and plunge pools. But         highest point of Cosme, where the stargazing terrace
              that references the style and beauty of Paros and blends   the hotel’s magnetic appeal also emanates from the          awaits for you, encouraging chance encounters and
              rare elements from around the Mediterranean with bold   thoughtfully designed shared spaces and outdoor layout.        serendipitous moments of discovery. Let your imagination
              Cycladic lines. Marble and local stone, traditional textures   Here, even art is a vital aspect of the guest experience,   soar at this  point, where the stargazing terrace offers
              and neutral hues, eclectic treasures and artworks by local   showcasing an eclectic mix of native multimedia Greek     a breathtaking view of Naoussa's whitewashed harbor
              artists come together in a luxurious narrative of Paros that’s   artists. Cosme's art collection seamlessly blends modern   town, the sea, and Paros' pastoral landscape. The
              beautifully set against the island’s bright blue sky and the   and classical approaches, featuring works by artists such   Cycladic islands are renowned for their clear skies and
              crystal-clear waters of the Aegean Sea.         as Margarita Myrogianni, Terpsichore, and Christina                    minimal air pollution, providing perfect conditions to

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