Page 145 - EMPIRIA 2024
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          Vibrant and    joyful,

          Parosti�'s menu

          highlights the rich

          epicurean traditions

          of Paros, Greece, and

          the Mediterranean.

 Celebrated Greek chef
 Yiannis Kioroglou leads
 the culinary journey
 at Cosme bringing his
 passion for ‘Medite-
 Grecian’ cuisine to the
 hotel's restaurants.

 MEDITERRANEAN MASTERY  One remark that stands out is that guests have described
 Parosti�, named after the traditional stone oven of Parian   their dining experience as transformative (from the Greek
 houses, is the perfect beachfront lunch and dinner spot.   Empiria). So, we're right on target with Empiria Group's
 Here, Chef Yiannis Kioroglou crafts exquisite dishes that   mission. We transport guests, relax them with our cooking,
 embody Greek ‘philoxenia’ and the rich culinary traditions   and introduce them to the mystique of Empiria Group.
 of Paros, Greece, and the Mediterranean. Enjoy vibrant   What are the common values you share with Empiria's
 and joyful meals that reflect the  laid-back yet generous   people that have brought you closer?
 epicurean heritage of the region. Renowned Greek chef   Above all, it's the warmth of heart. We share a common
 Yiannis Kioroglou spearheads the culinary experience   goal: a love for hospitality, a passion for giving, and a
 at Cosme, infusing the hotel's exquisite venues with his   commitment to providing the best customer experience.
 fervor for 'Medite-grecian' cuisine. Transitioning from   As I always say, sharing is caring. I felt this same sentiment
 esteemed establishments like La Petite Maison in Cannes   from the owners themselves and the high-level management
 and La Guerite in Saint Barth, and boasting a background   team. I felt their warmth, their love for people, and their
 in Europe's culinary hotspots, Yiannis stays true to his   open embrace. So, there were significant things that
 Greek heritage, infusing every culinary creation with   bound us – respect for the customer, the dreams we
 authentic Greek 'philoxenia'.  share, the joy of moving forward, and the love for food.
 How did you feel when you first entered the kitchen   Because we're not talking about a group that simply owns
 at Cosme?  hotels and sells keys, but a team comprised of owners
 I envisioned Cosme right from its inception, even before   and high-management individuals who enjoy good food,
 its construction was complete. Back then, there were   travel, try new experiences, and are cosmopolitan. That's
 no kitchens or concepts in place, but I already sensed it   somewhat how my life is too - in a sense - constantly
 would be a remarkable experience and a job well done.  traveling, constantly experimenting as a chef.
 What feedback have you received about your menu or   Complete the sentence: "I would return to Paros…
 a particular dish from Empiria's guests that will remain   …specifically to Cosme, for a dinner at Vrosi Dining that
 unforgettable?  ultimately turns into a celebration, as only happens at Vrosi.

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