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discover|ancient city

                                                             by Despoina Sampson


                                          from A to Z

                 tHis pUre LAnd possessed the power to not only build   HeritAge –in 1990, Unesco added delos to the World
                 its own legend using mosaics and marble masterpieces but to   Heritage List, describing it as “an exceptionally extensive and
                 become synonymous with the unique light of the sun, the sea   rich” archaeological site.
                 and the landscape of the greek islands. right next to delos,   isLAnd –delos, a rugged granite mass about 3.4 km2 in surface
                 Mykonos remained for many years just a humble stop for   area, is one of the smallest islands in the cyclades. Also known
                 mesmerised travellers who would spend the night on the then   called Lesser delos, it lies between rhenea – or greater delos –
                 unimportant island of Mykonos yearning for the moment the   to the west and Mykonos to the east.
                 small boat would lead them to the illuminating light… delos:   JeWisH coMMUnity –you might be surprised to hear that
                 all its secrets in alphabetical order.                this is where the oldest synagogue of the diaspora, in the world, has
                                                                       been found up until today, dating back to the 1st century Bc. this
                 ArcHAeoLogicAL MUseUM oF deLos –the museum’s          is another archaeological find closely linked to the cosmopolitan era
                 building was erected in 1904 by the Archaeological society of   of the island during Hellenistic times, where people from different
                 Athens to house the excavation findings.              cultures coexisted peacefully for about 100 years.
                 B.c. –it seems that the earliest signs of habitation on the island   KoUros –Apollo’s Kouros, the colossus of the naxians, used
                 are in the second half of the 3rd millennium Bc (2500-2000 Bc)   to stand at the northwest corner of the House of the naxians on
                 on Mount cynthus.                                     delos. today, only its large marble base remains, in place, on which
                 cosMopoLitAnisM –it’s true that delos was the first   used to tower over the island an enormous statue of the god Apollo
                 hub of authentic cosmopolitanism in the world. this was where   approximately 9.5 metres in height. to the west of the base, remain
                 various peoples lived in harmony, each respecting each other’s   another two pieces of the statue’s body.
                 confessions and cultures.                             LeAgUe –the delian League was a political and military
                 deLos or dHiLos. –in greek, it means “clear” or “brought   association of approximately 150 ancient greek city states during
                 to light”.                                            the 5th century Bc, united under the influence of the city of Athens.
                 excAVAtion –the French school of Archaeology began    MosAics –We find mosaics on the floors of the houses of delos.
                 digs on delos during the reign of King george i of greece, in   their designs have given the surviving houses their name – house
                 1873. the first excavations were to continue until 1894, when   of dionysus, of the dolphins, of the Masks, of the trident, of
                 they were interrupted due to the temporary shift of the French   triton… Featuring simple or geometrical designs, or even or devoid
                 school’s attention to delphi.                         of patterns, the delos mosaics impress especially when religious or
                 ForBidden –today, overnight stays and swimming are strictly   mythological (dionysus, Athena, Hermes, punic goddess tanit),
                 forbidden on delos, as is docking boats. Back in time, though,   natural (dolphins, tigers, panthers, fish), sea-themed (anchor,
                 ancient historian thucydides wrote that in approximately 425   trident), or theatrical (masks, satyrs).
                 Bc, the law stated that pregnant women and moribund people   nAxos –near the end of the 7th century Bc, the people of
                 had to leave the island. in other words, the inhabitants of delos   naxos dedicated the so-called terrace of the Lions to Apollo.
                 could not die on their island, and neither could they be born there.   Marble lions stand in line facing east, towards the sacred Lake.
                 grypAri AMAryLLis –she’s recognised as one of the best   Many archaeologists beleive that, there were originally 16 lions,
                 certified licensed tour guides of the island, born and raised in   but only five and parts of three remain today, while the headless
                 Mykonos. Find her at            body of one more adorns the Arsenal of Venice in italy.

                                 A trip to the sacred island of Delos from A to Z reminds
                                 us how ancient travellers arrived here not for Mykonos,
                               as we do now, but solely for the energy that Delos exuded.

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