P. 58
discover|ancient city
oiKos –“House” in greek. the well-preserved houses on delos have school of Archaeology, workers and security guards. .
given archaeologists information about life in that era. A corridor led VieW –Head up the path starting at the southeast corner of the theatre
from the main door to a court, where some homes featured a peristyle Quarter to reach Mount cynthus, a 113 metre hill at the centre of the
tHE tErraCE of tHE Lions
(roofed corridor) and mosaic floor. Many of the wealthy houses were island. From here, the view is impressive. on a clear day you can see Marble lions stand in line facing east towards the Sacred Lake
equipped with cisterns to store the rainwater. most of the islands of the cyclades. as eternal guards of the shrine.
pUriFicAtion –Following an oracle, peisistratus, the tyrant of West coAst –small boats carry visitors from Mykonos to delos’
Athens, proceeded to a partial purification and “purified” the island commercial port, on its west coast.
for the first time. As thucydides wrote, “not all of it, but what can be xenopHoBiA –two years ago, the ancient theatre of delos came Inspired The €550,000 donation from the Kanellopoulos Institute to restore part of the Stoa of Philip V of
seen from the sanctuary”. that is to say, peisistratus had the graves in back to life after 2,100 years to house the show “Hecuba, a refugee Macedon was a good start since, as you have said, Delos needs sponsors, and potentially even sponsors
this part of delos removed. this event took place during peisistratus’ on delos”, based on the monologues of the queen from eurupides’ to adopt certain monuments. Do certain Delos monuments have priority? At the moment, the ephorate
third reign, so probably in 540-528 Bc. tragedies “Hecuba” and “troades” and directed by nikos Karageorgos. by Delos is focused on integrating delos to european programmes. After we have submitted our application, we will
QUArters –three important city quarters, the Quarter of the prominent greek actress despoina Bebedeli played the lead, sending a look into the needs of monuments that can be covered through private initiative. it goes without saying
theatre, Lake/skardana Quarter and the stadium Quarter have been powerful message against xenophobia and linking the cosmopolitan past that citizens’ offers are very welcome since they do not only provide credits for the monuments but they
found. the former is the oldest, and that’s why it does not follow urban of open-minded delos with the xenophobic present of the refugee crisis. directly and organically link delos to local community – a bond crucial to its survival.
planning patterns. on the contrary, the latter two have wider streets yoUng BLood –According to greek mythology, delos was It had been deemed necessary for Delos specifically to upgrade its visitor infrastructure and add certain
leading from north to south and east to west, following a grid plan. none revealed (in greek, “revealed” shares the same root as “delos”) when amenities. What exactly would be ideal for the site? the ephorate of Antiquities of cyclades is currently
of the quarters appears to have been segregated according to race or poseidon touched his trident on the surface of the sea, after the island putting together an integrated plan to conserve and manage delos based on its singular characteristics. in
wealth. the rich lived next to the poor and greeks next to foreigners. had been sailing the archipelago for years. Zeus chained it to the bottom this context, we address issues of customer service, accessibility to the island, visitor footfall and paths etc.
riVer –in ancient times, rainwater formed river inopus, which of the Aegean with a chain made of diamonds so that Leto could find According to reports, necessary funds to build a new museum reach €20 million, which of course has
flowed down the slopes of Mount cynthus. streaming down to the refuge there, beneath a palm tree, to give birth to the two new gods: to be sourced. Is there a museum you dream for Delos? our complete management plan includes a new
lowest part of the island, north of the shrine, the same water also first Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, and then Apollo. approach to museum infrastructure on the island. our aim is to integrate the exhibits into the archaeological
formed the sacred Lake. Zone –A special economic zone and arguably one of the first site and take down new structures so that visitors can enjoy a unique experience of travelling back in time.
sAnctUAry oF ApoLLo –the most important spot on the island. examples in history of the economic model of the seZ. the unique The Director of the the estimated cost of these operations and museum infrastructure is indeed in that range.
tAnit –An apotropaic symbol found at the main entrance of the historical value of delos also comes from the fact that it was the first Among the goals of the “Vanity” exhibition as set by the Ephorate was to renovate the buildings of
private home of the dolphins. it is the sign of punic-phoenician Free Zone. Located at the heart of the Aegean and the trade routes of Ephorate of Antiquities the Cyclades museums and renew their exhibitions, which feature leading samples of Greek art and
goddess tanit, believed to protect from bad luck. the time, it was exempt from taxes. it was pronounced a free port by of Cyclades, Dimitris architecture. How has this plan evolved, and how does it relate to Delos? As you know, Vanity was
UninHABited –the island is uninhabited, with the exception of the romans in 166 Bc, which greatly contributed to the impressive Athanasoulis, reveals a milestone in archaeological museum exhibitions internationally. this year, the ephorate is developing
greek archaeologists, some French archaeologists from the French development of the island. another phase of its programme, namely numerous periodic exhibitions in various cyclades islands. in
the plan to conserve most of them, contemporary artists are inspired by the antiquities and showcase their artwork right next
and manage the sacred to the exhibits in our archaeological museums. At the same time, “cycladic snapshots”, the successful
CLEopatra HoUsE archaeological site of modal exhibition we organised at the Byzantine Museum in Athens is now touring the cyclades isles. We
are thus holding exhibitions this summer at the following museums: delos, thera, Byzantine Museum of
Headless statues of the owners Cleopatra and Dioskourides stand near the entrance of this house. They are remains of an ancient villa, Delos.
one of the high-class residences in the theatre quarter. naxos, sagri, naxos, Koufonisi, Archaeological Museum of Andros and Archaeological Museum of Milos.