P. 31


 090  142  220  258

 EditoriAL   ExpEriENCE  rEturN to spLENdour  the perfect suite
 A Living, Breathing World    the Myconian Collection    On the spacious terraces and   & villa Experience
 of Luxury  Food Experience  decks of the Myconian Collection   Superb interiors that match
 Panos, Markos, Vangelis and    Discover limitless dining in   Hotels & Resorts, it’s time to be   the striking natural beauty
 Marios Daktylides invite us    our 10 unique restaurants.  the star of your own show in   of Mykonos and the highest
 to try everything that’s new    203  a glamorous setting deserving   standards of service come
 at the Myconian Collection.  of the silver screen.  together at the striking
 098  ExpEriENCE  242  villa and suite options across
 the Myconian Collection
 For discerning shoppers
 ExpEriENCE   The Myconian Collection’s carefully   oBjECts oF dEsirE  Hotels & Resorts.
 A rich world of glamour and glitz,
 sheer perfection    curated boutiques offer luxury   with gold, silver and precious stones  270
 at the Myconian Collection  clothing, footwear, accessories,
 Going beyond mere   home fragrances, perfumes and   coming together in timeless designs.  Experiences to savour
 accommodation, the Myconian   beauty products that are both   248  After exploring the plethora
 Collection is a leading Greek   inspirational and timeless, sure    of activities, tours and local
 hospitality group that makes your   to grab your attention.  ExpEriENCE  hotspots and carefully
 hotel a major highlight of your visit   Wellness & Beauty rituals  considering guests’ desires
 to the island of the winds.  Veritable temples of the body, spirit   and preferences, the Myconian
 and mind, the Myconian Collection’s   Collection has simply curated
 COVERS  seven state-of-the-art spa centres   the very best of Mykonos
 Photographers: Stathis Bouzoukas, Christos Drazos,   transform, awake and pamper with   introducing their guests to
 Apostolos Koukousas
 indulgent treatments fit for royalty.  the very soul of the island.


 dELos – A FLAshBACk
 iN huMAN history

 Top: Handmade ravioli with zucchini and lobster, courtesy of the Efisia Relais
 & Châteaux at the Myconian Ambassador. Bottom: The soothing ambiance and
 stunning view at the Myconian Utopia’s Pavilion Relais & Châteaux restaurant.


 thE MyCoNiAN CoLLECtioN
 Food ExpEriENCE

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