P. 91


 From the East Coast
 of the United States

 to the north coast

 of Crete, Alexandra
 Manousakis followed
 her love of the Cretan

 lifestyle home to

 Chania, chronicling
 her journey across
 the ocean and across
                                                                                                   Born and raised in Washing-
 cultures through                                                                    ton DC, at 23, Alexandra Manousakis had a

 her art—ceramics,                                                                   degree from NYU and a successful marketing
                                                                                     career in Manhattan, and everything seemed
 paintings and fine                                                                  to be on track. Except it all felt a little bit
                                                                                     dull. A monochrome life for a girl who dreamt
 Cretan vintages                                                                     in colour. It was time for a change, and she
 that tell a story of                                                                knew exactly where she needed to be.
                                                                                     Like many second-generation children who
 exploration, discovery                                                              spend holidays visiting their parental home-
 and belonging.                                                                      lands, Alexandra  had  spent  her  childhood
                                                                                     summers in Chania, which she describes as
                                                                                     “an incredibly inspiring town”. Situated on

 LIFE IN COLOUR  PHOTO:  VICKY TSATSAMPA                                             Crete’s idyllic north coast between the Ae-
                                                                                     gean Sea and the foothills of the Lefka Ori
                                                                                     mountain range, Chania is a place of fasci-
                                                                                     nating heritage—Minoan, Roman, Byzantine,

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