Page 84 - NUMO JOURNAL 2024
P. 84


                       Even her shoe
                   collection is unique
                  in its exquisite use of
                  Minoan symbols and
                   patterns, from bulls
                   and bees to grapes
                  and labyrinths. Each
                     shoe is a fashion

              art. Even those who live in Crete, I think,   The greatest source of inspiration is my
              sometimes forget that the Minoans were   grandfather's  village,  Alagni,  where  the
              the  first  major  civilisation  in  Europe  and   family winery is. There’s a magical place
              one of the greatest in antiquity. I’m inter-  in Alagni, a unique carved winepress
              ested in learning, reading, and discovering   with rare findings. Its construction seems   CRETE HAS A
              about Crete, its peculiarities and secrets. I   to date back to ancient times. People
              love its essence. My goal is to always con-  of the ancient world met there to tread   VAST CULTURE.
              nect Cretan culture with my creations. I   their grapes and transform them into   INSPIRATION IS
              started with my Minoan Collection of   the divine gift of Dionysus, wine. That’s
              shoes and jewellery, fully inspired by the   where I also like to transform myself from   EVERYWHERE.
              civilisation. Each shoe in my collection   a Cretan woman to an artist. To look at   HERE, I FOUND
              tells a story from the Minoan world. Even   my roots. To breathe and feel my land’s
              my Olympic  designs, the jewellery and   positive energy. To ground myself and   MYSELF AND
              sandal I designed for the Tokyo Olympics   reflect. To reminisce about the past but   DISCOVERED
              (2020), my Diktynna sculpture, a tribute   also plan my future.
              to the famous Ancient Cretan archers (in   Does the Minoan journey continue?    WHAT I WANTED
              2021, the Olympic Committee and the   The  Minoan  civilisation  lives  on  in  the   TO BE AND DO
              Confederation of Olympia honouring the   modern Cretan soul and still nourishes it
              Olympic sport of archery commissioned   with a strong desire for life's joys, which   IN MY LIFE. A
              Elli Lyraraki to design the sport's symbolic   have not changed, as seen in the Knos-  NEW-MINOAN
              jewel), my Runner, all of these designs,   sos frescoes, the oldest examples of
              as well as the clothes I’m designing now,   painted art. Folklore teaches us to ex-  AESTHETIC ARTIST,
              are inspired by Cretan mythology. It's this   perience our land’s history in our daily   THE FINANCIAL
              tradition I want the world outside Crete   lives. I try to understand and interpret
              to connect with through my work. Every   its relationship with the milestones of   TIMES CALLED ME.
              place, every village has treasures to re-  human life. For example, I’m very inter-
              veal. I often meet people with the same   ested in Cretan craftsmanship, because
              drive as me, people passionate about   it’s among the oldest in Greek traditional
              their expression and art.            art. And the oldest craft is weaving. So, I
              In which villages or other isolated corners   feel like I'm at the start of a great jour-
              of the island have you discovered inspiring   ney, and Crete is my guide. Crete leads,
              "treasures"?                         and I follow, enchanted... •

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