Page 106 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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            to connect with the local culture and crafts. For example, we will host
            workshops with local craftsmen who create traditional worry beads and
            leather sandals. These sessions give our guests the chance to learn about
            and appreciate Greek craftsmanship directly from the artisans themselves.
            It’s a wonderful way to support these talented individuals and keep these
            traditional arts alive and thriving.
            Our commitment to sustainability is also reflected in our creative campaigns.
            Last year, for instance, our Christmas decorations were made using surplus
            fabrics from LVMH brands, the parent company of  Dior and Louis
            Vuitton, thanks to a collaboration with the award-winning Greek creatives
            Studio LAV and a small atelier in Corfu that produces all the decorations
            by hand. This initiative not only helped us reduce waste but also allowed
            us to showcase beautiful, upcycled decorations. It’s a perfect example of
            how we strive to innovate and lead by example in sustainable practices.
            By integrating these sustainable practices into our operations, we aim to
            provide a luxurious experience for our guests that is both environmentally
            responsible and supportive of the local community and culture. It's about
            creating a positive impact and ensuring that every aspect of our resort reflects
            our dedication to sustainability.
            The culinary experience is a major aspect of luxury resorts. What can
            guests expect from the dining experiences at One&Only Aesthesis,
            and how do you plan to incorporate local Greek ingredients and
            culinary traditions?
            We have some wonderful options to choose from, starting from Ora, the
            resort’s main restaurant which is done in collaboration with the Michelin-
            starred chef Ettore Botrini. It is the first restaurant to open and its focus is on
            Greek and Mediterranean flavors. Ettore is a chef who’s deeply connected to
            the Greek culinary culture and undoubtedly one of the leading gastronomy
            experts in the country.
            And our most recent opening is Manko, a part restaurant, part beach club
            and late-night rendezvous spot that really delivers a unique experience on
            the Athenian Riviera. Under the guidance of renowned chef Juan David
            Ocampo, it offers the finest Peruvian cuisine, an amazing seafront location
            with cinematic sunsets and an eclectic mix of international DJs that bring   Believing that modern
                                                                             luxury is intertwined with
            a rhythmic vibe to the whole experience.                         environmental protection
            In a highly competitive luxury market, personalised service is crucial.   and social responsibility, Yann
            What innovative approaches will One&Only Aesthesis employ to     Gillet caters to the growing
            ensure each guest receives a bespoke and memorable experience    preference for brands that
            during their stay?                                               prioritize sustainable and eco-
                                                                             friendly practices.
            We place a strong emphasis on training our teams to observe and understand
            our guests' behaviors and preferences. Each morning, our housekeepers take
            note of details such as which side of the bed guests sleep on, the number of             "FOR ME, LUXURY TODAY
            pillows they use, whether they wear glasses, and if they are reading a book.
            By paying attention to these small details, we can create delightful surprises             EMBODIES A PROFOUND
            for our guests. When it's time for them to retire for the night, they'll find
            their bed turned down on their preferred side, the right number of pillows                             EXPERIENCE THAT
            arranged just the way they like, their book placed neatly with their reading
            glasses, and a handwritten note from the evening service highlighting these                                   ENGAGES THE
            personalized touches.
            This level of personalization begins even before our guests arrive. A member                     SENSES, UPLIFTS THE
            of our reception team will reach out to introduce themselves and learn
            more about the guest’s preferences, such as their favorite drinks, coffee                    SOUL, AND PROVIDES A
            preferences, and tea varieties. Every detail is thoughtfully considered to                  SENSE OF EXCLUSIVITY."
            ensure a satisfying and personalized experience.
            By combining our knowledge of the guests with a keen sense of recognition
            and discretion, we deliver an ultra-attentive service. This is what I like to call
            an intentional relationship—one that is meticulously crafted to exceed our >

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