Page 111 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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 The N’U Piraeus
 T  he Mitsis Group is Greece's largest privately owned   Mitsis Group’s long
 Port hotel is a key

 milestone in the
 hotel chain and a tourism pioneer for the past 48 years.
 Renowned for exceptional service and unique locations, it
 boasts 23 hotels and 13 spas and Thalassotherapy centres
 across Greece's top destinations. Christina Mitsis, the
 and exciting legacy
 President of the Group, spoke to us about their expansion
 plans, including the opening of Mitsis N’U Piraeus Port,
 the acquisition of the 4-star Messonghi Beach Hotel, and
 the signing of a 10-year management contract for the 3-star
 Christina Mitsis
 Belvedere Hotel in Corfu, among other properties.
 With tourism recovered and your considerable experience as President   in Greece. President
 of the Mitsis Group, what are your predictions for the summer season
 this year?   breaks down her
 In general, the positivity that started in 2022-23 continues. Trends have grown
 both in terms of demand and the quality of products offered, which is better   vision and plans.
 every year. The higher income scale of inbound tourism is also important.
 How do you see the progress of the Athenian Riviera brand that stretches
 from Piraeus to Sounion? What assets does this Attican coastline offer   Interview by  ELSA  SOIMIRI
 as a tourist and business product?
 The Athenian Riviera was famous in Ancient Greece from the 5th century BC.
 But it was ignored later, the city linked to nothing more than the Parthenon and
 Plaka. This unique 70km coastline, starting from the historic port of Piraeus
 and reaching the Temple of Poseidon in Sounion, wasn’t even mentioned.
 The brand grew in recent years thanks to systematic and methodical efforts to
 establish the name “Athens Riviera”, such as the creation of a beautiful album   In the centre of Athens, a major investment programme is currently underway
 for it by the world-renowned Assouline Publishing, thus putting us on the   for the reformation, renovation, and modernisation of the Schliemann-Mela
 international jet-setting map.   Mansion into a 5-star luxury hotel. At the same time, the property will expand
 The Athenian Riviera is an important tourist attraction, because it’s the only   its use of the Ideal Cinema to include theatre and conferences. How much has
 riviera in Europe located within a capital city. All others are on the periphery   the heart of the capital's urban fabric changed?
 – just like our countless mainland and island rivieras. Another important   It's constantly changing. We have significant investments in new hotels, large, small,
 factor is the area’s good weather, lasting 10 months of the year, combined with   and luxurious. There’s an increase in demand for Athens to be a tourist destination
 crystal-clear waters ideal for swimming.  all year round, and the potential is still great.                                               Christina Mitsis
 Which redevelopment project on the Athens waterfront are you most   That’s why we undertook this important project, the Schliemann-Mela Mansion on   in front of
 looking forward to?  Panepistimiou Street, a building by the famous Ernst Ziller. We want to highlight the                                the mural by
 Firstly, I can’t wait for the major work being done at the Ellinikon to be   historic structure and respect this great architect’s legacy in our country, which is why   PHOTOGRAPHER: MARA DESIPRIS   artist Yassonas
 completed. There’s also the Urban Promenade, a project that will cross six   all the building’s frescoes will be preserved, a difficult and time-consuming task. It’ll   Megoulas (Cacao
 municipalities, starting from Piraeus and Kallithea and reaching Vouliagmeni.   be a hotel that adds lustre to the city, something unique.   Rocks) in the
                                                                                                                                           atrium of the
 As an upgraded free public space dedicated to the entire basin’s pedestrians   Finally, I’d like to mention the part that needs support from the state, namely   new hotel, Mitsis
 and cyclists, it will significantly improve the urban environment.  infrastructure, such as sanitation, traffic, walking routes, and so on.  >  N’U Piraeus Port.

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