Page 127 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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           K                   assandra Marinopoulou’s vision                    RUNNING REBIRTH

                               gracefully connects Cycladic culture
                               with modern and contemporary
                               art through innovative exhibitions
                               and international collaborations.
                                                                                     As President and CEO of the
                               With her at its heart, the Museum
                               of Cycladic Art is gradually
                               revitalizing the islands’ ancient
                               heritage through contemporary
                               lenses, while celebrating timeless
                                                                           institution located in the heart of
                               human creativity and compassion
            as audiences big and small come together.                Museum of Cycladic Art, a landmark
            The Museum of Cycladic Art is dedicated to the               Athens, Kassandra Marinopoulou
            study and promotion of the ancient civilizations that
            flourished in the Aegean, with a special emphasis on   cultivates global artistic collaboration
            Cycladic art of the 3rd millennium BC. After 16 years
            at the helm, what challenges do you face as President
            of its Board of Directors?                                       and sustainability initiatives that
            When leading an archaeological museum, your first concern
            naturally is how to make it contemporary and approachable       breathe new life into the cultural
            for new audiences, especially the younger generation. This is
            achieved through organizing archaeological exhibitions aimed                         legacy of the Cyclades.
            at a wider audience, contemporary art exhibitions relevant to
            today’s reality, and the development of innovative programs
            for adults and children. Our goal is to keep improving our                                                Interview by  ELSA  SOIMIRI
            visitors’ experience, whether it is linked to our exhibitions,
            the Cycladic Café, or our Cycladic Shop.
            We aim for an open and accessible museum, providing equal
            opportunities to all visitors in order to accommodate today’s   Even in our days, with technology advancing at an impressive rate, how does ancient Greek art
            world social challenges. Attracting an audience that is not   manage to inspire and attract an increasingly large audience of creators and visitors alike?
            familiar with museums is one of our greatest challenges and   Ancient Greek art and technology aren’t opposing forces. On the contrary, they’re complementary. Let's think
            responsibilities.                                 about how technology benefits art in terms of promotion, awareness, and education: Today, even a child in
            The next question, of course, is how to finance all of the   the remotest village of the world can virtually visit our collections and exhibitions. It can participate in our
            above while ensuring the sustainability of a private Museum   international art contest, take a tour of the museum, and even listen to one of our podcasts. One can easily
            whose collections have been donated to the Greek State but   have an online shopping experience and receive purchases anywhere in the world.
            receives no funding from it. This is the biggest challenge.  You recently implemented the "Cycladic Identity" initiative in order to help preserve the culture,
            Since the start of your tenure, you have established a   biodiversity, and intangible cultural heritage of the Cycladic islands.
            program of contemporary art exhibitions in dialogue   We owe our existence as a museum to the Cyclades. It was there that the Cycladic culture was born, which we
            with the museum's identity, strengthening its     have been disseminating with great love since our museum was founded 36 years ago. At this time, when the
            international reputation. What was your goal, and   most pressing concern is climate change and the environment, we thought it was time to express our gratitude
            how is your vision taking shape today?            with actions that give back to the Cycladic islands.
            Since 2008, when I became President of the museum, we came   The objective of the Cycladic Identity initiative is to contribute to the preservation of the islands’ cultural and
            up with the idea of an annual program of contemporary art   natural heritage of unique value, which are in danger of being destroyed and forgotten due to conditions of
            exhibitions in dialogue with antiquity through the pioneering   the modern era, such as climate change, overtourism, and the weakening of traditional practices.
            series "Divine Dialogues". This was a groundbreaking concept.   Through Cycladic Identity, we seek to contribute to the preservation, restoration, and prominence of the
            We invite world-acclaimed artists and curators to study and be   elements that make up the identity of the Cyclades. As we prioritize culture, biodiversity, and intangible
 In 2008, Kassandra   inspired by our collections, creating a conversation between   cultural heritage, we shine a light on the islands' array of monuments, focus on habitats and their distinctive
 Marinopoulou became the
 President of the Board of   Greek antiquities and creations of our time.   flora and fauna, and embrace customs, social rituals, traditions, and crafts.
 Directors at the Museum of   Our museum has hosted exhibitions by artists, such as Louise   The initiative serves as a platform for collecting donations and sponsorships for the above mission. The resources
 Cycladic Art in Athens. The   Bourgeois, George Condo, Jannis Kounellis, Sarah Lucas,   gathered are then distributed to programs implemented by foundations in the Cyclades. The funding proposals
 museum is dedicated to the   Brice Marden, Pablo Picasso, Ugo Rondinone, Thomas   are evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the Cycladic Identity, which consists of Dimitris Athanasoulis,
 study and promotion of ancient   Struth, Cy Twombly, Sterling Ruby, Ai Weiwei, and currently   Director of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Cyclades, archaeologist Michael Boyd, Demetres Karavellas, General
 civilizations of the Aegean
 and Cyprus, with a particular   Cindy Sherman. We immediately noticed new audiences   Director of WWF Greece, and Angeliki Kosmopoulou, Executive Director of the Athanasios C. Laskaridis
 emphasis on Cycladic Art of the   visiting these exhibitions, and in this way, they discovered   Charitable Foundation. Due to their professional status, they all have a deep knowledge and understanding
 3rd millennium BC.   our permanent archaeological collections.  of the unique characteristics of the Cyclades.                                  >

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