Page 133 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
P. 133

 ATHENS RIVIERA JOURNAL                                                                                                            The architectural gesture of a
 architecture                                                                                                                      long “L” shaped flowing form
                                                                                                                                along the two main edges of the
                                                                                                                                 site seeks to create a threshold
                                                                                                                                between the surrounding scenery
                                                                                                                                   and the resulting negative, a
                                                                                                                                 courtyard of similar scale to the
 Sustainable Designs,                                                                                                              3d visualization Batis_Studio
                                                                                                                                          building footprint.

 Global Impact
 bution” A  n architecture that is concise   based on creativity, research,

 Memorable architecture
 but nevertheless narrative, familiar
 and at the same time unexpected,
 definite but also inventive, is what
 -we believe- forms a public contri-

 Potiropoulos+Partners is one of Greece’s foremost archi-  innovation, and excellence is
 tectural firms, with studios based in Athens and London
 and a strong team of highly creative and talented archi-  Potiropoulos+Partners’ defining
 tects and designers, addresses the world market, provid-
 ing full services in design, supervision, and consulting   tradition delivering the highest
 across the spectrum and in all scales of architecture and
 urban design.   quality projects for its clients.
 Recently the Greek architecture office gained interna-
 tional recognition, once again, by winning two inter-
 national awards: A’ Design Award, Silver 2024 for the
 Serpentine House at Elliniko in Athens Riviera area and
 Big See Architecture Award Winner 2024, for Villas in
 Olive Grove, Navarino Residences at Costa Navarino
 in Messinia. Potiropoulos+Partners has repeatedly been
 awarded in competitions and has received many distinc-
 tions as a result of consistently producing projects with   NATURE,
 the aim of advancing architecture worldwide. In 2015, the   MEMORY AND
 firm was nominated for the Mies Van der Rohe Awards   FORM
 - European Union Prize for Contemporary Architec-  At the core of the Villas
 ture. In 2023, Build Magazine declared the firm as “Best   in Olive Grove project,
 Contemporary Architecture Practice 2024 – Greece”.   (Navarino Residences,
             Costa Navarino)
 “The quest for a balanced relationship between built and   approach lies the olive
 natural environment remains one of the primary issues of   tree as a compositional
 architecture, especially nowadays that scientific progress   center of gravity.
 leads to a way of living, governed by consumer goods   Photographer: Yiorgis
 and technology symbols. Within this «techno-centric»   Yerolymbos
 era, architecture is required to respond with intellectual,
 sustainable, critical, and sentimental practices and alter-
 native forms of knowledge. By intervening between the
 physical phenomena and the human being, architecture
 contributes – both on a pragmatic and semantic level –
 to the satisfaction of forgotten primordial needs.” says
 founding partner Dimitris Potiropoulos.
 Considering sustainable design as integrated to the over-
 all design, the studio works towards the ecological devel-
 opment of the built environment, as a holistic approach
 harmoniously integrating new projects into contexts
 with cultural and historic importance. Several of the
 projects involve renovation and expansion of historically
 important structures, including national cultural herit-
 age monuments. The studio’s work also includes several
 nationally significant projects for Greece. 

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