Page 167 - ATHENS RIVIERA 2024
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 gourmet getaway

           At Mario Restaurant,
           dining transcends
           mere sustenance; it’s
           an immersive journey
           into the heart of Greek
           culture, where the
           pleasures of food and
           the island’s charm
           intertwine, crafting
           an unforgettable
           gastronomic experience.

 An Exceptional                         B        orn and bred in Paros, Marios Tsachpinis has elevated dining into an art form. Always
                                                 seeking the best, he has developed his own philosophy, leveraging the values of local Cycladic
                                                 cuisine, particularly Paros’ culinary heritage. His journey is full of remarkable moments, each
                                                 contributing to his magical culinary adventure.
                                                 Can you recall the most exciting moment of your career so far?
                                                 My journey in the culinary world began at twenty-one in the port of Naousa and is filled with
 Taste                                  exciting moments. A pivotal point was my collaboration with Chef Yannis Markoulis. Through our shared
                                        vision and hard work, Mario Restaurant  has received several distinctions (Greek Cuisine Award from
                                        Athinorama magazine, FNL Best Restaurant Award) and has established itself on the gastronomic map.
                                        What is the philosophy behind the gastronomic choices at Mario Restaurant and how do you
                                        combine traditional Greek flavors with gourmet variations?
 Paros-born Marios Tsachpinis           Always guided by tradition, we strive to bring the memory of the past into the present. Despite the rapid
                                        evolution of global gastronomy, we support Greek cuisine and aim to contribute to the global culinary scene.
 redefines Cycladic cuisine.            What are the most popular menu choices loved by your customers?
                                        Our focus is on seafood and fresh fish from our boats. Some popular dishes include fresh tuna fillet with
                                        aubergine purée, roasted octopus with Cycladic revithada, orzo with shrimp, mussels, fresh fish, saffron,
                                        and lime, artichokes with potatoes, carrots, peas, and lemon vinaigrette, grilled fresh fish fillet with celeriac
                                        purée and sea urchin avgolemono, and of course, our galaktoboureko mille-feuille.  >

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