Page 68 - BLISS-2024
P. 68

BLISS_Kalymnos island

                                                    KALYMNOS IS THE PERFECT
                                                 DESTINATION FOR EXPLORERS,
                                                  A WHOLESOME AND EXCITING
                                                   TAPESTRY OF THE ISLAND’S
                                                        PAST AND PRESENT.

                                N       estled between Kos and Leros, Kalym-  down through the generations. Merchants and
                                        nos is a hidden gem of the Dodecanese.
                                                                       sea captains made their fortunes on Kalymnos
                                        It beckons intrepid travellers with its
                                                                       tiful homes. Neoclassical and Italian styles still
                                 semi-tamed allure and vibrant culture. Rug-  and displayed their wealth through their beau-
                                 ged coastlines and whispers of ancient history   dot key areas like Chorio, Vathy, and Pothia.
                                 promise to take you on a journey beyond the   Kalymnos left its unique mark on the 20th cen-
                                 ordinary, where every moment unfolds with the   tury, too, after its sponge divers inspired a folk                        Panormos is one of many enchanting villages around Kalymnos. While there, visit the Church of St. Athanasios in the Monastery of the Holy Cross.
                                 magic of discovery.                   song that became globally famous in the 70s. Dir-
                                                                       lada was first written by Captain Pantelis Ginnis
                                         A TIMELESS LEGACY             about his crew, its lyrics a playful satire. Greek
                                 6,000 years of history lie on the shores and   sailors sang it as they travelled the world, and
                                 heights of Kalymnos. Sailors and sponge har-  the catchy tune spread like wildfire to France,
                                 vesters called it home while plying their trade   Japan, and beyond.
                                 across the seas and keeping pirates at bay. How-
                                 ever, war and politics influenced the island’s sta-  ISLE OF PLENTY
                                 tus and appearance the most. The complex her-  Today, Kalymnos is the perfect destination for
                                 itage of Kalymnos is evident in its architecture,   explorers, a wholesome and exciting tapestry of
                                 landmarks, and archaeological finds, all proving   the island’s past and present. There’s no shortage
                                 that its cultural links transcend Greece. Hints   of activities, whether you like solo getaways or
                                 of Persia, the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman   big parties, lavish relaxation or gritty adventures,
                                 empires, and Italian Colonialism exist through-  food tourism or cultural immersion.
                                 out the island.                       Each area of Kalymnos has something special
                                 Early Christianity was another influencing fac-  to offer. The best city living, for instance, can be
                                 tor. The town of Pothia, the current capital of   found at Pothia, the urban centre of Kalymnos
                                 Kalymnos, was once watched over by the Temple   and the setting of our Evanik Chic Hotel. Pretty,
                                 of Apollo Delios. After its destruction, its stones   colourful neighbourhoods dotted with pictur-
                                 were used to build the Basilica of Christ of Jerusa-  esque restaurants, cafés, and shops hug the har-
                                 lem, now a relic itself. Many more holy sites were   bour and serene blue sea, boats great and small
                                 constructed over the ages, including the Mon-  bobbing with the current.
                                 asteries of Agios Savvas and Panagia Kyra Psili.   If you prefer pure oasis vibes, Vathy is 13km to
                                 The Knights of St. John even built Chrysocheria   the northeast of Pothia. The village lies between
                                 Castle, its ruins still encompassing the church of   two hills, stretching through a lush green valley
                                 Panagia Chrysochera and overlooking Chorio   towards the Rina fjord, sporting its own eater-
                                 village, the island’s former capital.  ies, shops, accommodation, and harbour. Sit on
                                 But Kalymnos is best known for its sponge div-  the shore, sipping your iced coffee and playing
                                 ing industry, a centuries-old tradition passed   backgammon with the locals. Or dive into the

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