Page 73 - BLISS-2024
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BLISS_Kalymnos island

 The capital of Kalymnos Island is Pothia (opposite),
 an idyllic town full of life, history, sponges, and seaside delights.

 glory in the Archaeological Museum. The Vou-  4,000 routes to conquer with gorgeous Aegean
 valis Mansion is another must-see attraction, a   vistas as your backdrop. The annual Kalymnos
 19th-century Kalymnos home frozen in time.   Climbing Festival can make your trip a grand
 For a deep dive into the extraordinary aquatic   affair of scaling cliffs and partying with fellow
 realm that surrounds the island, visit the Vals-  adventurers.
 amidis Sea World Museum too. After all, there’s   The entertainment on the island doesn’t end there.
 nothing more integral to the identity of Kalym-  Small delights aside, from scenic bike rides to
 nos than the Aegean Sea.  poolside cocktails, you can go scuba diving and
 The Kalymnos beaches are just as important to   fully satisfy your marine curiosity or take a boat
 note, but which one is best depends on your pref-  to nearby islands like Telendos and Pserimos.
 erences. Masouri, for example, is popular for its   You’ll find more picturesque bays and villag-
 sandy calmness enveloped by remarkable rock   es. Ruins brimming with the ghosts of the past.
 formations. Kantouni Beach is just as attractive   Views to make poets cry.
 but more sophisticated, aptly hosting our 4-star   Uniquely captivating and able to meet every trav-
 Boutique Hotel. But then you have locations like   eller’s desire, Kalymnos is also very easy to get to.
 Platis Yialos, less accessible but stunning with its   Regular ferries come in from Piraeus, Kos, and
 black sand, crystalline waters, and impressive   other Aegean Ports. The island even has an air-
 rocks fit for the best seaside hikes.  port with direct flights from and to Athens and
 Besides sponges, archaeological marvels, scrump-  Thessaloniki among many more destinations.
 tious food, and beaches for all kinds of holiday-  Join the spellbinding narrative that is Kalymnos.
 makers, Kalymnos is a prime destination for an-  It intertwines history and tradition with moder-
 other reason: rock climbing. It’s hardly a surprise,   nity and a wild kaleidoscope of experiences. Pre-
 considering its high-quality stone, not to men-  pare for an out-of-the-box holiday that may just
 tion its incredible crags and caves. There are over   change your life. •


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