Page 74 - BLISS-2024
P. 74

BLISS_Kalymnos island

                                                                                                                                                      A versatile place
                                                                                                                                                      defined by superb
                                                                                                                                                      limestone formations,
                                                                                                                                                      seaside splendour,
                                                                                                                                                      and a friendly
                                                                                                                                                      community, Kalymnos
                                                                                                                                                      is the sport climber’s
                                                                                                                                                      dream escape.

                                 A world-famous climbing

                                          holiday destination

                                        Traditionally known as the sponge divers’ island,
                                            the Greek island of Kalymnos has recently
                                          become a world-famous climbing destination
                                          and home to some of the most amazing sport
                                                       climbing you’ll ever see!

              W        ithin the global climbing commu-  with plenty of features and massive caves, deco-  less possibilities for adding more and more new

                       nity, this little Mediterranean par-
                                                    rated with large golden hanging stalactites and
                                                                                         routes every year.
                       adise has gained its reputation as
                                                                                         though, is the volume of high-quality routes at
                                                    Kalymnos, including Telendos (a small in-
              one of the most aesthetically pleasing and so-  tufa blobs.                The most spectacular thing about Kalymnos,
              ciable climbing destinations, with the highest   habited island 1km opposite the west coast   every grade and every crag! Whether you are a
              percentage of high-quality sport climbing on   of Kalymnos), is a sport climbing venue with   beginner or a pro, there are many choices for
              the planet.                           more than 4,200 well-secured sport climbing   everyone! Last but not least, climbing literally
              • In 2013, Kalymnos was voted the best climb-  routes, pre-equipped with permanent drilled-  takes place in your backyard, if one takes into
              ing destination in the world at a global poll on   in bolts and stationary carabiners for the an-  consideration the proximity of the crags to the
              the climbing site              chors. Most routes are single-pitch of around 20   island’s main roads and accommodation facili-
              • In 2016, the UIAA granted the Municipality   to 35m, the majority of which are in the mid-  ties. As a reward after a tough day of climbing,
              of Kalymnos the “Rock Climbers’ Award” for   grade range 6a - 6c. The development of longer   turquoise crystalline waters await to cool you
              its excellence in complying with criteria such as   alpine-style routes from 3 to 11 pitches has in-  down just a few minutes below the crags.
              commitment to sustainable practices, support   creased over the past few years. You’ll also find
              for the climbing community, and experience in   a few via ferrata routes and deep-water soloing,   SOCIALISING
              organising international climbing events.            offering more options to climbers. The rock   Kalymnos attracts a wide range of climbers in
              “The search for the ultimate climbing paradise   quality is such that it will take a long time to be-  terms of nationality, age, and ability. You will
              ends at the island of Kalymnos”,      come polished and its magnitude offers end-  meet teenage climbers, young couples, people
              “A rock jewel sparkling in the Aegean”,                                    with their children, and some in their late 60s
              “Kalymnos is the Mecca of sport climbing”,                                 from all over the world. The scene around the
              “The world epicenter for sport climbing”,                                  climbing routes and beyond the crags is laid
              are just a few of the headlines used in articles   KALYMNOS IS THE         back and very sociable. Kalymnos is the melt-
              dedicated to the “Rocking island of Kalymnos.”  MELTING POT OF THE         ing pot of the climbing world. A place where
                                                        CLIMBING WORLD. A                people from every corner of the globe come to-
                        ROCK & ROUTES                                                    gether and share their cultures.
              Huge rock formations of high-quality lime-  PLACE WHERE PEOPLE             The Municipality of Kalymnos has worked
              stone dotted with deep pockets and towering   FROM EVERY CORNER            enthusiastically  hand  in  hand  with  climb-
              tufas line its west-northwest coast, overlooking   OF THE GLOBE COME       ers to promote and, more importantly, to sup-
              the Aegean. Rough steep hills lead to imposing                             port climbing tourism and its community. In
              slabs with pockets and crimps and impressive   TOGETHER AND SHARE          Kalymnos, rock climbers feel at home, as the lo-
              bumpy vertical walls. Large overhanging cliffs   THEIR CULTURES.           cals always give them the warmest of welcomes.

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