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BLISS_Kalymnos island


 Kalymnos is a Greek island, the fourth largest   Several stores are located in the village of Ma-
 of the Dodecanese Prefecture, which includes   souri.
 Rhodes and Kos in the southeastern Aegean Sea.
 The island is located 7 NM North of Kos, covers   GUIDING SERVICES
 an area of 109 km2, and is the third most pop-  Qualified climbing instructors are available on
 ulated island of the Dodecanese. Telendos and   the island for guiding and climbing courses.
 Pserimos are two neighbouring islands, small
 but inhabited, that also belong to the region of   CLIMBING EVENTS
 Kalymnos. Coordinates: N 36 59’, E 26 59’.  Kalymnos Climbing Festival is an annual event
 not to be missed. It’s a gathering of climbers, a
 GETTING THERE  celebration of international climbing culture
 Kalymnos can be reached:   that includes competitions for all climbing lev-
 • By direct domestic flight: Athens – Kalymnos.  els, storytelling nights, audiovisual presenta-
 • By various flights to Kos International Airport   tions, a deep water soloing boat cruise, botan-
 (domestic, low-cost, or charter). From Kos air-  ical walks, traditional dance lessons, and live
 port by taxi to the port of Mastichari (10min),   music nights.
 from where regular ferries run the Mastichari
 – Pothia (Kalymnos capital and main harbour)   RESCUE SERVICES
 line within 30 – 45min.  Kalymnos Rescue Team is a volunteer-based
 • Alternatively, by flights to Rhodes and Samos.   local team offering rescue services whenever
 From there, take a ferry to Kalymnos.  needed.   A Journey Through the Maritime
 • By ferry from Piraeus port, Athens.
 • By ferry from all the Dodecanese islands and   MAINTENANCE
 Samos.   Route maintenance projects are performed fre-  Museum's Rich History
 quently with the support of the Municipality to
 WHEN TO VISIT  keep Kalymnos a safe climbing destination.
 Kalymnos is perfect throughout every season!
 Climbing is possible all year round. Mid-sea-  INFO
 son is highly recommended (March, April, and   For more information please check   Explore the Maritime Museum of Kalymnos, founded in 1994,
 May - September, October, and November). or send an email to   showcasing naval traditions, sponge catching history, ancient artifacts,                                      and nautical instruments.
 MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION  Upon arrival, right before the harbour’s ex-
 For local transportation, climbers usually pre-  it, you can find detailed info at the Municipal
 fer scooters and cars. Local buses run daily and   Tourist Office, open on weekdays from 07:00 –   ithin Kalymnos Maritime   photographs documenting Kalymnos’ social
 frequently from Pothia (capital and harbour)   15:00.  W  Museum’s walls, visitors embark   fabric intertwined with sponge catching.
 via the main villages to Armeos and three times   Tel:+30 22430 29299.   on a journey through time, delving   Admire anchors crafted from stone, lead,
 a day all the way to Emporios and Vathy.   into the fascinating world of sponge catching,   and iron, peruse nautical charts dating back
 PLEASE BE AWARE                 a trade deeply ingrained in Kalymnian   to the 16th and 17th centuries, and marvel at
 WHAT IS THE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED   Climbing can be dangerous and includes a risk   history. The museum’s collection offers a   ship rigging and cannonballs recovered from
 FOR CLIMBING?   of personal injury or death.  comprehensive look at the techniques, tools,   the sea. Miniature boats and lanterns further
 A pair of rock climbing shoes, a 70m rope,   Participants should be aware of and accept all   and traditions associated with sponge diving.   evoke the island’s seafaring legacy. Moreover,
 around 20 quick draws, a helmet, and a climb-  risks and take responsibility for their own ac-  Step into its five rooms to encounter a wealth   immerse yourself in Kalymnian domestic life
 ing partner.   tions and involvement at all times.   of artifacts, from ancient shipwreck remnants   with exhibits showcasing traditional costumes,
                                 to diving equipment used since the 19th   culinary implements, and household items.
 GUIDEBOOKS  ----------          century. Marvel at “skandalopetres,” stones   TIP: The majority of the exhibits have been
 Hard copy guidebooks can be purchased from   used to aid divers’ descent, alongside tools for   donated by people who have been or still are
 the climbing shops and mini-markets on the is-  We thank   sponge processing and maritime instruments   in relation to the marine activities practiced
 land. Digital guidebook apps are also available   the Municipal Tourist Office  like sextants and compasses. Dive deeper   on the island to the present day.
 on the App Store and Google Play.   of Kalymnos.  into the past through a captivating display of   Pothia, Kalymnos. T: +30 (22430) 51361

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