Page 71 - BLISS-2024
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BLISS_Kalymnos island

 You could not ask for a better rock-climbing experience than what Kalymnos Island has to offer. Challenging crags and vibrant sunsets galore.
 Grande Grotta is the most famous cave in Kalymnos, especially among rock climbers. It beautifully frames Telendos Island,   heavenly waters while the sun blazes above. Or   squirts marinated in salt water and served with
 while the bay near Sikati cave is perfect for lounging in the sea and sun (opposite).
                                  explore the nearby castle, monastery, and caves.  olive oil and lemon.
                                  Sublime doesn’t begin to describe Kalymnos, part   Kalymnos is known for its produce too. Thyme
                                  smooth and welcoming, part jagged and exhila-  honey is a local speciality, as are citrus fruits, ca-
                                  rating. The experiences that await you are no less   pers, oregano, and cheeses like kopanisti and myzi-
                                  varied. Let’s start with the cuisine. Seafood is a   thra. Embrace the island’s gastronomic essence
 THERE ARE OVER 4,000 ROUTES TO CONQUER WITH GORGEOUS   given, but it’s the sheer array of flavours available   by seeking out such ingredients when dining out.
 AEGEAN VISTAS AS YOUR BACKDROP. THE ANNUAL KALYMNOS   that will amaze you. Octopus, swordfish, lobster,   Indulging your palate is a lesson in Kalymnos cul-
                                  mussels, devil fish, and sea urchins are just some
                                                                        ture, but a greater blast from the past comes from
 CLIMBING FESTIVAL CAN MAKE YOUR TRIP A GRAND AFFAIR   SHUTTERSTOCK  of the fresh catches to expect. Spinialo is one of   hitting the pavement and museums. The myste-
 OF SCALING CLIFFS AND PARTYING WITH FELLOW ADVENTURERS.  the most popular traditional dishes, involving sea   rious Lady of Kalymnos stands in all her bronze

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