P. 19



 >  A series of charming
 myths accompany the
 origins of its name,
 which either stems
 from an aspect of the
 goddess of the hunt,
 Artemis, or a legendary
 battle between the
 Muses and Sirens,
 which saw the latter
 lose their wings and
 plummet into the sea
 in terrible defeat – thus
 a-ptera [non-winged].



 A largely unknown gem of Homeric-Era Crete, Aptera is a must-visit.

 A FEW MONTHS AGO, an exhibition at   which was said to have a hundred cities.
 the Museum of Cycladic Culture in Ath-  Built at a spot still revered for its outstand-
 ens brought to the spotlight a trio of an-  ing natural beauty, it had two sea ports
 cient cities long forgotten in the public   and extensive fields, thanks to which it
 consciousness. All found in Crete, these   saw great development and amassed sig-
 settlements completed their life circles mil-  nificant wealth.
 lennia ago, progressing from their estab-  In the 4th century BC, Aptera was the
 lishment and development to abandon-  most affluent city on Crete, boasting close
 ment and rediscovery.  diplomatic and commercial ties with Egypt,
 With its memory brought back by recent   Libya and prominent kingdoms found in
 excavations and research, the lost city of   modern-day Greece, Asia Minor and the
 Aptera is less than 20 minutes from Cha-  Adriatic. A series of earthquakes, with the
 nia. Back in the Homeric Age, circa 1100   last one occurring in 364 AD, marked
 BC, it was one of the three capitals of Crete,   the city’s decline and eventual desertion.
 Yet, today, Aptera attracts attention once
 again as an intriguing archeological site
 – the ghost of a city where great warriors
 roamed, goldsmiths and silversmiths cre-  Top and left:
 Still standing
 ated objects of immense beauty, and the   after over three
 millenia, the
 Olympians were worshipped. The two   amphitheater
 fascinating Ottoman forts located in close   of Aptera is
 surrounded by
 proximity are also worth a visit.  verdant nature.


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