P. 20
AGIOS NIKOLAOS the Greek and The Last Temptation of Below, from INFO
CULTURAL AGENDA Christ. Comprising a journey into the left: The Nikos
This summer and fall, events span- life and work of the great Cretan, let- Museum. > Agios Nikolaos
ning music, art and culture can be en- ters, diaries, personal effects, photo- art at The Attic painting exhibitions:
joyed in Crete’s Agios Nikolaos. Musi- graphs and mementos are on display Gallery. "Color Passions":
cal highlights include the three-day 5th alongside rare AV material. Municipal Art Gallery,
Square Festival in Neapolis on the first August 10-18
weekend of August, where musicians A KALEIDOSCOPE "Agios Nikolaos,
will play traditional instruments under OF CONTEMPORARY City and Faces":
the stars. The Culture and Sports Orga- GREEK ART August 24-September 2
nization of Agios Nikolaos Municipality Situated in a neoclassi cal building in
also organizes a solo painting exhibition Corfu Town, The Attic Gallery is a vibrant > Nikos Kazantzakis
of artwork by Eirini Kanavaki titled “Col- space that “loves to com bine art, words Museum:
or Passions," while “Agios Nikolaos, City and history.” This sum mer’s group ex- Myrtia, Heraklion.
and Faces” will showcase paintings by hibition brings together 17 artists from Open every day
Natalia Manannikova, Petrova Ekateri- across Greece. 9:00-17:00 ex cluding
na Dmitriyevna and Plevin Vladimir Fe- Titled “Kaleidoscope” – “the observa- public holidays.
dorovich at the same location. tion of beautiful forms” – and curated Wheelchair accessible.
by Sasha Chaitow and Paris Kapralos,
Α NOBEL LAUREATE the exhibition focuses on how the coun- > The Attic Gallery:
FROM CRETE try’s struggles have caused the arts to 1 Riz. Voulefton & Desila
For lovers of literature, the fascinating flourish. Contributing artists come from str (entrance through the
Nikos Kazantzakis Museum in Myrtia diverse backgrounds and often use ex- parking lot), Corfu City.
is 15 km from Heraklion and offers perimental materials and techniques in "Kaleidoscope" runs from
an intimate portrayal of Nobel laureate their work, which poses questions about July 13 to September 8.
novelist Kazantzakis, author of Zorba nostalgia, nature, society and romance. English language tours
available 11am – 1pm on
Tuesdays & Fridays, and
Wednesdays 6-8pm. tour2019
Visual arts, music and literature? Corfu and Crete have it all.
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