P. 22
> New and fascinating,
the Corfu Liter ary
Festival launched in
2018, created by chef
and cricket aficionado
Nikos Louvros, his wife
Annabelle Louvros, who
works in community
projects, and award-
winning novelist Alex
Preston, author of This
Bleed ing City. Its purpose
is to champion the rich
cultural mosaic of Corfu,
to celebrate the passion
for the arts and letters
shared by the Greeks
and the British – as well
as to further cement the
island’s place as a hub for
culture in the country.
Celebrating culture, heritage and cricket.
“AN ISLAND CELEBRATION of the marks including the Ionian Academy, INFO:
Arts" is what the Corfu Literary Festi- the very first university-level institution The 2nd
Corfu Literary
val promises in its second year. As the in Modern Greece. Festival takes
summer season draws to a close, the Several prominent authors have been place in the
island's capital
organizers invite bibliophiles as well as confirmed for the lineup, including Se- from September
23 to 30.
anyone interested in culture and cultur- bastian Faulks; Sofka Zinoviev; Tom Hol-
al exchange to attend an entire week land, who will be presenting about his Top:
The Corfu
of stimulating events celebrating and new book, Dominion; Elizabeth Spell- Literary
Festival builds
exploring history, politics, literature, er; Frances Edmonds; Peter Frankopan; on the long
food and culture. William Fie nnes, Anthony McGowan, cultural
heritage of
On the agenda are readings, talks, Adam Nicolson; and several Greek au- the island.
wine tastings, debates, performances thors. Topics of focus for the interactive
and mixers – as well as a cricket match panels range from Anglo-Greek heri-
between celebrated English writer team tage and literature to philosophy, Homer,
Authors IX and members of the Hellen- cricket in Corfu, and history, while each
ic Cricket Foundation, which will take will be followed by an informal supper
place on the historic Plaza Spianada, a at traditional tavernas, where speakers
large square in the very heart of Corfu and audience will enjoy casual conver-
Town that is home to important land- sations in a friendly, rustic atmosphere.
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