P. 141

experience|fine dining

 Celebrities   Bouillabaisse soup with
             carrot purèe and seafood.


 Myconian Imperial

 cUiSine AnD SeRVice are the centrepieces
 of the famous Myconian imperial hospitality,
 so it is no surprise that executive chef tasos
 Almpanis has funnelled his passion into
 celebrities, a Mediterranean seafood restaurant.
 it is one of Mykonos’ top choices, well known
 and loved for the tasty treasures of the Aegean
 it serves up. celebrities’ approach to luxury
 means paying attention to the finest detail and
 using only local fishermen’s freshest catch.
 tasos cooks exclusively with locally grown,
 seasonal and organic ingredients. he’s a fervent
 proponent of pure flavours which should not
 overwhelm but bring out the best in what the
 Mediterranean has to offer. Sea bass with
 black risotto, vegetables and lobster sauce is
 just one of the highlights in his repertoire. it
 goes without saying that there is much more
 to be discovered – not only tasos’ acclaimed
 seafood creations but also delicious meat and
 vegetarian dishes that are not to be missed.

 Top: Executive Chef of
 Celebrities, Tasos Almpanis.
 Bottom: Dining under the
 stars at Celebrities restaurant.
 Far right: Grilled octopus
 with topinambur, capers,
 onion powder.

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