Page 103 - NUMO JOURNAL 2024
P. 103


                                                                            away. From the moment we saw the space, a traditional
 NOSTALGIA                                                                  Mykonian building with unique details inspired by the
                                                                            60s and 70s, so intimate yet so open with a magnificent
                                                                            view of Kalafatis and the island's first surf club bathed
 NURTURED                                                                   in sunlight, a very strong vision emerged, influenced by

                                                                            all the clues the space gave us, and a passion to create
                                                                            something that was missing in Mykonos: a truly intimate
 Here’s a partnership made in heaven.                                       boutique resort based on the quiet luxury philosophy of
                                                                            Numo and inspired by the island’s cosmopolitan past.
 Ioanna Mitropoulou of Hotel IM
                                                                            Was there a specific moment during your collaboration with
 opens up about her work and                                                Numo that was particularly meaningful to you?
                                                                            The beginning is half of everything, so the first tour of the
 inspiration for Numo Mykonos.                                              space with the Numo team was significant, as we saw
                                                                            the hotel’s potential and our common vision unfolding,
                                                                            and we started to compose its story together and imag-
                                                                            ine the space with new life.
                                                                            Observing your design, one sees that the details and atmo-
                                                                            sphere make the difference. How did you want the guests of
  Ioanna Mitropoulou’s illustrious career                                   Numo Mykonos Boutique Resort to feel upon arriving at the
 as an interior designer culminated in the foundation of                    hotel and living in the environment you created?
 her own studio: Hotel IM. Her collaboration with Numo                      Numo Mykonos is designed to satisfy all the senses
 on its new Mykonos resort resulted in a unique Mediter-                    and meet the needs of the demanding modern travel-
 ranean getaway for barefoot luxury with hints of the 60s                   ler. Whether relaxing alone in one of the suites with pri-
 and 70s, all inspired by the island’s beauty and cosmo-                    vate pools and views of Kalafatis, lounging by the cen-
 politan history. She discusses her relationship with Numo                  tral pool with cocktails and upbeat music, or enjoying
 Mykonos and its team, as well as what influenced her                       Mykonian flavours at Anemoessa, the resort allows the
 ingenious design, merging natural and retro elements for   A TRULY INTIMATE   guest to engage with it however they wish and without
 a charming nostalgic ambience.                                             compromise. It is all designed as a seamless experience,
 How did the aesthetic identity of Mykonos personally influ-  BOUTIQUE      while the guest is free to choose how to live in the space.
 ence you before designing the Numo Mykonos Boutique Re-  RESORT            You have extensive experience in collaborating with top in-
 sort? Did the island hold any surprises that you didn't expect?            ternational hotel groups, so what was it about your partner-
 The island has always been a magnet for the interna-  BASED ON THE         ship with Numo and its people in Greece that moved you?
 tional jet setter, who seeks to escape everyday life, re-  QUIET LUXURY    It is a great fortune and joy to collaborate with hospital-
 lax, and get lost in the island’s idyllic landscapes, while                ity groups that have a vision for what they do and how
 simultaneously attending all the glamorous parties and   PHILOSOPHY        they promote Greek hospitality and design on an inter-
 events.   OF NUMO AND                                                      national scale. Numo is one of the first design-led hotel
 Design-wise, the island’s traditional Cycladic architec-                   groups in Greece that has such a strong and ambitious
 ture  played a  significant role  in  planning  and  shaping   INSPIRED BY   idea for the evolution of the country’s hospitality, and
 the spaces. We maintain and celebrate the Cycladic   THE ISLAND’S          it was an honour for us to work with them on such a
 character of the island, its arches, gentle curves, stone,                 unique project as Numo Mykonos Boutique Resort.
 and fresh whitewashed walls. We continue the tradi-  COSMOPOLITAN          Complete the sentence: "I would return to Numo's Mykonos
 tion of built-in seating in the common areas and built-in   PAST.          for...."
 beds in the rooms, while introducing the gold of the sun,                  I would return to Numo's Mykonos to enjoy my drink by
 the azure of the waters, and chic timeless details that   Thanks to Ioanna Mitropoulou’s   the small fire pit under the pool, listening to relaxing mu-
 innovative mindset, every inch of
 bring a touch of the French Riviera to the resort.  Numo Mykonos, from its reception   sic with the magnificent sunset of Kalafatis in the back-
 What was your main inspiration for the person you imagined   to its bedrooms, sings with chic   ground, while classic black and white movies play on the
 would choose the atmosphere that the rooms create, as well   minimalism.   wall nearby... I would return because Numo Mykonos is
 as the common areas of Numo Mykonos that you designed?                     an ode to the island of Mykonos, a nostalgic journey into
 Numo Mykonos is the ultimate chic cosmopolitan hide-                       the myth of the island. •

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