Page 105 - NUMO JOURNAL 2024
P. 105



 Cocktail veteran Konstantinos
 Theodorakopoulos discusses his

 collaboration with Numo Hotels &
 Resorts, producing menus for fine

 drinking in barefoot luxury.
                                                                             Konstantinos Theodorakopoulos is the co-owner of The
                                                              Bar in Front of the Bar, a quirky and award-winning streetside fine-drink-
                                         The new signature    ing venue in the heart of Athens. After curating the signature cocktails of
                                         cocktails of Numo Hotels   all Numo Hotels & Resorts in Crete and Mykonos, he shares his expertise
                                         & Resorts, lovingly   and experiences.
                                         curated by Konstantinos   Creating signature recipes for the fine-drinking experience of Numo Hotels &
                                         Theodorakopoulos from   Resorts brought you in contact with the raw materials of Crete - as well as
                                         The Bar in Front of the
                                         Bar in Athens, combine   Mykonos. Were there any local products (herbs, extracts, etc.) that influenced
                                         local flavours – sage,   your recommendations?
                                         mint, mulberries, tsipouro,   Locality plays a key role in our menus’ creation. One can find tsipouro, raki,
                                         and more – to reflect the   and other Greek spirits on our menu alongside locally sourced herbs such
                                         essence of Crete and   as sage, wild tea, and mint from our own farm.
                                         Mykonos. At the same
                                         time, they bring people   "People like you should drink with people like us." How emotionally connect-
                                         together in delectable   ed were you to the people of Numo Hotels & Resorts after your collaboration?
                                         camaraderie.         What did you clink your glasses to?
                                                              Collaborating with  Numo is not just a professional partnership but an
                                                              alignment of philosophies. The concept of barefoot luxury aligns with the
                                                              casual fine-drinking culture that we aim to cultivate.
                                                              If each of the Numo Hotels & Resorts were a cocktail, what would your recipes be?
                                                              The Karavan for the Royal Senses. It mixes unsweetened mastika, chamo-
                                                              mile, fig leaves in a effort to use every bit of our materials, bergamot, and
                                                              vetiver. Passion cream goes to the Royal Blue, blending three rums, pas-
                                                              sion fruit cordial, and a cream made of chocolate, coconut, and coffee.
                                                              Herb mule for Numo Ierapetra. Cretan herbs, tsipouro, and Greek ginger
                                                              soda. As for Numo Mykonos, the legendary Ali bomaye from our establish-
                                                              ment in Athens.
                                                              What sorts of people would come down for a drink at Numo Hotels & Resorts?
                                                              How have you envisioned the guests?
                                                              I think it appeals to a wide range of guests. Their only common element
                                                              should be an interest in wellbeing and great aesthetics.
                                                              After spending a year in the company of Numo and its people, what valuable
                                                              experience have you taken with you to Athens?
                                                              Cretan hospitality with a cosmopolitan approach. The Royal Blue's tradi-
                                                              tional hospitality. The luxurious escape from reality at the Royal Senses.
                                                              And Numo Ierapetra's sustainable opulence.
                                                              Complete the sentence for us: "I would return to Numo's Crete for..."
                                                              The whole experience that includes accommodation, dining, and activi-
                                                              ties. •

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