Page 92 - NUMO JOURNAL 2024
P. 92
FO L LOW Through its well-preserved artifacts
and architectural marvels, Delos
paints a vivid picture of Hellenistic
grandeur, where merchants,
artisans, and settlers from across
the Mediterranean converged to
create a thriving multicultural hub
ing visitors to antiquity even before they
Nestled amidst the azure waters of the Aegean
set foot on the island," explains Atha-
Sea lies Delos, a captivating island steeped nasoulis. Despite its challenges, Delos
remains an unparalleled archaeological
in a legacy that spans seven centuries. Unlike treasure. Its well-preserved artifacts pro-
vide a glimpse into ancient life compa-
any other, it stands as the sole island in the world
rable to Pompeii, setting it apart from
with an ancient city untouched by modernity. other ancient sites in Greece.
"A visit to Delos is akin to stepping into
the ancient past. The Sanctuary of Apol-
lo, a focal point of the island, symbolizes
the birth of Western civilization during
Designated as a UNES- porary knowledge and with a vision for the Archaic and Classical periods," notes
CO World Heritage Site, Delos beckons modern archaeological sites and muse- Dr. Athanasoulis. Delos flourished during
travelers to embark on a journey through ums, Dr. Athanasoulis shares his expertise the Hellenistic era, attracting merchants,
time, guided by the expert insights of Dr. in simple terms, conveying his passion for artisans, and settlers from across the
Dimitris Athanasoulis, head of the Epho- ancient narratives. "Delos epitomizes the Mediterranean. Its cosmopolitanism and
rate of Antiquities of Cyclades. As he first wave of globalization, emerging in prosperity fostered a unique cultural syn-
unravels the island's storied past, visitors the Hellenistic Kingdoms following Alex- thesis, evidenced by its diverse architec-
are transported to an era where har- ander the Great's demise. It was a bus- tural marvels and religious monuments.
monious coexistence and reverence for tling multicultural center, akin to present- "The museum houses an impressive col-
the divine shaped daily life. With a keen day Mykonos," elaborates Athanasoulis. lection of ancient Greek sculptures and
eye for detail and a passion for preserv- Visitors to Delos often juxtapose it with artifacts, showcasing the island's rich
ing cultural heritage, Dr. Athanasoulis nearby Mykonos, drawn to the island's history and cultural heritage," empha-
sheds light on Delos' pivotal role in the vibrant atmosphere. While Mykonos em- sizes Athanasoulis. As Delos continues to
first wave of globalization, offering a bodies a cosmopolitan paradise, Delos evolve as an archaeological site, efforts
unique perspective on its vibrant history. offers a journey through time, a senti- are underway to enhance its infrastruc-
"In the first century B.C., Delos was home ment echoed by Athanasoulis. "Delos ture and restore key landmarks. Despite
to around 30,000 inhabitants, predomi- and Mykonos form an intriguing pair these developments, its intrinsic magic
nantly Athenians, alongside people from of paradoxical attractions for visitors. and historical significance remain immu-
various Mediterranean regions. They Mykonos represents a timeless escape, table. "Delos will always retain its mysti-
lived harmoniously, speaking Greek, and where revelers immerse themselves in cal allure, offering visitors a glimpse into SHUTTERSTOCK
worshipping their deities," begins Dimi- non-stop entertainment. Conversely, De- the splendor of ancient civilization," con-
tris Athanasoulis. Grounded in contem- los is a historical time capsule, transport- cludes Dr. Athanasoulis. •
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