Page 97 - NUMO JOURNAL 2024
P. 97


 For locals and
 savvy travelers
 alike, Gialos within
 the historic harbor
 of Chora Mykonos
 holds a special
 neio in Gialos, a bastion of authenticity in   allure. Known
 an ever-evolving landscape. Here, Dimi-  by insiders as a
 cherished spot,
 tris Bagkogia’s family serves up tradi-  it's the perfect
 tional island delicacies, steeped in Myco-  destination for a
 nian flavor and history. From homemade   leisurely morning
 sausage to freshly caught seafood, every   stroll, where one
 dish is a testament to Mykonos' culinary   can relish the
 invigorating sea
 heritage.  breeze. Here, local
 Another cherished spot is Gialos, the   farmers showcase
 sandy beach within the old harbor of   their bountiful
 Chora  Mykonos,  a  bustling  hub  of  ac-  produce, harvested
 tivity where locals gather to exchange   straight from
 their fields each
 greetings over morning coffee. Though   morning, while
 the landscape has evolved over the   fishermen proudly
 years, the spirit of the timeless tradi-  present their catch
 tion of farmers and fishermen who share   of the day on
 the bounty of the land and sea is totally   gleaming marble
 alive. It is here that Myconians exchange
 their “kalimera” over a morning coffee.
 Years ago, it was lined with traditional
 ‘kafeneia’,  traditional  coffee  shops  such
 as Kioukas’, Paola’s, Nikitas’ and Kon-
 tarinis’; however, over time it became a
 tourist promenade, and though most of
 them have been converted into contem-
 porary coffee shops or  stylish  restau-  PHOTO: GIANNIS DIMOTSIS
 rants, Manto Mavrogenous’ bust keeps a
 watchful eye on all the happenings from
 the square bearing her name.•

                                            BOTTLED EXCELLENCE

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