P. 22

PRESS TALKS                                                                                                                           PRESS TALKS

              He always dreamed of sailing away. She wasn’t a sailor   MyStar  is  not  only  the  first  superyacht  the  couple  has
              but longed for her children to see the world. Thanks to   owned, but their first boat, full stop. Neither comes from
              the 35-metre MyStar, they both got what they wanted,   a family of sailors. Growing up, Maya’s family hit the
              learns Risa Merl.                               slopes instead of taking to the seas, although she notes
                                                              that despite that fact, her sister somehow became a pro-
              “I had a desire for my kids to be inspired by the world   fessional sailor. “We were busy running a global busi-
              and not just be stuck within four walls for their educa-  ness and travelling for work, so the time never felt right
              tion,” says Maya Talit. “Today the world is changing at   before to buy a boat,” Maya says. Instead, they joined
              such a fast pace, so we wanted them to see the beauty   friends for boating holidays, mainly on motor yachts, but
              now.” Meanwhile, her husband, Liran, was passion-  in his heart, Liran had a soft spot for sailing yachts.
              ate about sailing. Together they forged a plan to take
              their four daughters on a far-flung sailing voyage that   Maya admits that in the beginning she was skeptical
              brought both of their dreams to fruition.       about the idea of travelling the world by boat. “It was
                                                              Liran’s passion to be on the water – he got his skipper’s
              Over the course of nearly four years, the family traipsed   license when he was young and he would go sailing with
              halfway around the world on their 35.1-metre Alloy   friends at every opportunity,” she says. “I didn’t have
              Yachts MyStar, from the Mediterranean to the Caribbe-  any interest and I wasn’t sure if I would like being on
              an, the US to the Galápagos, across the South Pacific   the water, but, as I discovered, the benefits are endless
              and finally back across the Pacific and up to Alaska.  because you are on your own little  island.

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