Page 43 - BLISS-2024
P. 43

BLISS_Kos island

 A s the owner of the Hatziemmanouil

 winery and vineyards, spanning
 80 acres of land in Asfendiou,
 on the northeastern side of Kos, Vassilis
 Hatziemmanouil continues his family’s
 and the island’s long legacy in the Greek
 winemaking industry. He breaks down the
 brand’s bright history, values, and plans for
 the future.
 100 years have passed since Nikolaos
 Hatziemmanouil revived winemaking in
 Kos, starting from the stone winery located
 in Marmaroto. How has the family’s
 passion for wine changed?
 The passion for wine has remained unchanged
 over the years. Our love for viticulture and
 wine production never wavers and even grows
 as it passes from generation to generation. We
 ensure continuous advancement in the field,
 leading to the improvement of the quality and
 taste of our products. Our goal is to follow
 innovative  techniques  that  lead  to  higher-
 quality wines. This commitment to excellence
 ensures that our passion for wine remains alive
 and dynamic, constantly giving wine lovers
 new reasons to enjoy this art and gastronomic
 How did the transition happen, from the
 late  1950s and the production  of sweet
 wine by Kostas Hatziemmanouil, son of
 Nikolaos, to the professional engagement
 of Vassilis Hatziemmanouil, the founder’s
 grandson, in viticulture and winemaking?
 My professional journey in winemaking
 began by drawing inspiration from my family’s
 heritage. From a young age, I learned to care
 for the vineyard from my father. In 1998, we
 produced our first dry wine from the Greek
 varieties Malagousia and Assyrtiko. Seeing the   The vineyard covers two areas of Asfendiou, protected by Mt Dikaios
 success of our wines, in 1999, we renovated the   and nurtured by the Aegean climate.
 existing winery to obtain a bottling license.
                          BE INSPIRED TO  BE YOUR BEST!BE YOUR BEST!
 The steadily increasing demand led us to   The first wine label released was a white   on constant improvement and innovation in   BE INSPIRED TO
 expand our vineyard. In 2004, we built the new   Malagousia - Assyrtiko blend in 2000.  wine production. We want to maintain the high
 winery located on the provincial road of Kos,   What grape varieties do you cultivate, and   quality of our products and expand our range   Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab
               Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab offers high quality clinical & aesthetic dermatology, venereology and plastic surgery treatments. Rejuvenation treatments (PRP Mesotherapy,  offers high quality clinical & aesthetic dermatology, venereology and plastic surgery treatments. Rejuvenation treatments (PRP Mesotherapy,
 in Asfendiou.  where are your vineyards located on the   with new varieties and wine styles.  Fractional
               Fractional Co2 Rejuvenation Laser, NDYAG laser for varicose veins, Diamond Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peeling, Oxygeneo treatment, Carbon Laser Peel, Dermapen Co2 Rejuvenation Laser, NDYAG laser for varicose veins, Diamond Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peeling, Oxygeneo treatment, Carbon Laser Peel, Dermapen
 How important is the proper care of the   island?  What is the best time for a visitor to come   Microneedling
            Microneedling Treatment, HIFU, Microneedling-RF , Rejuvenation with Led phototherapy), Anti-aging therapies (Botox & Hyaluronic Acid Treatment, Non-surgical Liquid Lift, Thread, Treatment, HIFU, Microneedling-RF , Rejuvenation with Led phototherapy), Anti-aging therapies (Botox & Hyaluronic Acid Treatment, Non-surgical Liquid Lift, Thread,
 vines and the continuous presence of the   We consider it important to fully utilise   and experience your winery and vineyards?  Injectable
             Injectable Biostimulators, by triggering your body’s natural production of collagen for natural looking and prolonged results, Skin boosters) , hair removal with the most up-to-date Biostimulators, by triggering your body’s natural production of collagen for natural looking and prolonged results, Skin boosters) , hair removal with the most up-to-date
 family to support the vineyards?  the unique characteristics of the region to   The best time for a visitor to come and   Alexandrite
             Alexandrite Laser, as well as lipolysis treatments (Cryolipolysis, Cavitation-RF, Emssculpt, Cellulite Treatment) are available and applied by experienced and specialized doctors.Laser, as well as lipolysis treatments (Cryolipolysis, Cavitation-RF, Emssculpt, Cellulite Treatment) are available and applied by experienced and specialized doctors.
 Proper vine care and the family’s presence   produce  quality  and  balanced  wines.  The   experience our winery and vineyards depends   A rigorously
              A rigorously trained medical team, utilizing modern technology and its vast experience, guarantees the exceptional quality of the offered services, aiming at a perfect face and body.trained medical team, utilizing modern technology and its vast experience, guarantees the exceptional quality of the offered services, aiming at a perfect face and body.
 in the vineyard are crucial for the quality   varieties we cultivate are mainly of Greek   on their preferences and the experience they
                    Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab is situated in modern infrastructures, using high-end medical technology and stuffed with experienced medical team in Kos.  is situated in modern infrastructures, using high-end medical technology and stuffed with experienced medical team in Kos.
 and success of our viticulture. Care ensures   origin. Specifically, for white wines, we use   want to have. For example, visiting during   Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab
 healthy plants and rich production, while the   the varieties Malagousia, Assyrtiko, and   the  harvest  season is an  excellent  choice.   For more information, please visit our website
                                        For more information, please visit our website
 family passes on knowledge and traditions,   Kydonitsa. For our red and rosé wines, we   During this period, visitors can see our work
 strengthening our bond with the land and wine   use international varieties such as Grenache   in the vineyards, from grape harvesting to
 production.  Rouge, Syrah, and Cabernet Sauvignon.  winemaking. Of course, we aim to offer the best
 When was the first label released by the   What are your goals for the coming years?  possible experience to our visitors at any time   DR.TSAOUSI SMARO
                          Marmaroto, P.C. 85300, Kos | Tel. +30 22420 22822 | Mob. +30 6947304465 | Email: info@dcl.grP.C. 85300, Kos | Tel. +30 22420 22822 | Mob. +30 6947304465 | Email:
 Hatziemmanouil family?  Our goals for the coming years focus mainly   of the year. •  Marmaroto,
                                                               Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab& Cosmetics Lab

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