Page 39 - BLISS-2024
P. 39

BLISS_Kos island

                        The Castle of the Knights – or Castle of “Nerantzia”. Let the melodies of Kos guide you as we embark on this journey through time,
                        where every note is a testament to the enduring spirit of a land where music has always been more than just sound – it’s a way of life.

 Musical echoes:

 Tunes of Kos through the ages

 Join us on a journey through the musical tapestry of Kos, where
 the strains of ancient tunes intertwine with the rhythms of modernity.


 I  n the town of Kos, right at the entrance of   the wild animals of nature, has been found to star   and historical facts effectively helped to preserve
 the port, stands the Castle of the Knights –
 as the dominating figure in amazing mosaics –
 in Kos a great, constantly growing, oral culture
 or Castle of “Nerantzia”. At the end of the
 deep roots and rich remains, reaching back to
 14th and the beginning of the 15th century, Kos   the most impressive of which was found during   (especially in music) until modern times, with
 the excavations of German archaeologist Rudolf
 was densely planted with bergamot (“nerantzi”   Herzog (who was obliged to analyse and send   late Byzantium.
 in greek) and lemon trees – hence the name   it in 1904 to the Museum of Constantinople at   Authentic demotic music, the melody of the
 given to this part of the knightly fortification.   the request of the Turks). Even on Kos coins,   countryside, is mainly vocal and soloistic,
 Today, though, we are visiting this place to find   we find the lyre, a symbol of music and poetry.  unlike urban but similar to ecclesiastical music.
 a dedicatory inscription, engraved on a greyish   Recent research by the Institute of Mediterranean   Instrumental music, usually performed by two
 dark marble base, 0.98x0.38 in size, which reads   Studies on the musicians of ancient Greece states   instruments (violin and lute), was intended for
 in translation:  that inscriptions confirmed the names of 21   formal group entertainment (weddings, festivals,
 “… Manasimachus, son of Pethanor,  musicians of national fame from the island of   and other special events). It was necessary for
  who defeated the older children twice  Kos. This was more than the musicians of other   certain dances. On all other occasions, the
 (competing) in singing with guitar accompaniment,  larger islands, such as Cyprus, Crete, Lesbos,   dominant element was no other than the human
 dedicated the prize he won to the Muses.”   Chios, Samos, and Rhodes. So, ancient Kos, as   voice. Everyone sang everywhere, alone or
 There is plenty of proof suggesting that the   in other artistic fields, performed brilliantly in   together, while working or travelling, in cafes
 Koans (or “Cosians”, if you like) were more than   its musical tradition.  or evening gatherings (especially in winter),
 passionate about music. In fact, we are talking   From the epigraphic lists of the winners of the   at every moment of their lives. This monodic
 about a kind of artistic fascination that prevailed   musical contests of the ‘Great Asclepion’, let us   soloistic utterance is, in essence, the unadulterated
 on the island since antiquity, especially among   leap forward in time. Long foreign conquests (by   municipal tradition.
 young islanders. Apollo and the Muses were   the Ottomans until 1912 and the Italians until   The end of this historical reality would come
 considered the patrons of schools and the fine   1943), the distance from the Greek mainland,   in the crucial decade between the 1960s and
 arts, which is why they were worshipped with   and the proximity and constant communication   1970s. By then, Kos was receiving, along with
 special splendour in this part of the Mediterranean.   of Kos with Asia Minor (until the Asia Minor   crowds of European visitors, western musical
 The theatres and conservatories, which the   Catastrophe of 1922) made for a unique mix of   influences. The first discos made their appearance
 archaeological excavation has brought to light,   cultural (and, hence, musical) influences.  on the island in the 80s. They were to become
 also provide us with convincing evidence of   Another element, which is of particular value   legendary (until ‘96 Kos was considered one of
 the performance of the Cosians in theatre and   in this case, is the island’s closed agro-pastoral   the best places in Europe for nightlife) and - not
 music competitions. Orpheus, who with the   character, with its productive wealth and self-  coincidentally - the most famous of them all was   SHUTTERSTOCK
 sweet sounds of his lyre enchants and tames all   sufficiency. The aforementioned geophysical   named Apollo...  •

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