Page 83 - BLISS-2024
P. 83

BLISS_Kalymnos island

 Secrets of the Sea:

 Kalymnos Depths Unveiled

 Stavros Valsamidis created the Sea World Museum of Kalymnos
 to preserve the island’s legacy by showcasing his treasure hoard,
 from marine creatures to the remains of ship wrecks.

                                        Vlychada beach hosts the Valsamidis Sea World Museum, but its stunning blue waters
                                                         are perfect for a blissful swim too.

                                Ε      xploring the seabed of Kalymnos for   2nd centuries BC are preserved, as well as oth-

                                       over 45 years, Stavros Valsamidis be-
                                                                      er objects from ancient shipwrecks. There is al-
                                       came a diving legend, one generous
                                                                      lated to the history and tradition of sponge div-
                                 with his knowledge. All the diving centres of   so a collection of around 2,000 photographs re-
                                 Kalymnos  benefited from his  information   ers. Impressively, the entire wreck of an ancient
                                 about the most exciting diving spots. With the   merchant ship, filled with treasures like ampho-
                                 spirit of a collector, Stavros accumulated thou-  rae, was brought to light from the depths of the
                                 sands of items from the sea and created the   sea by Stavros Valsamidis.
                                 Valsamidis Sea World Museum in the coastal   The main concern of the museum’s found-
                                 village of Vlychada in Kalymnos. An impres-  er always was the promotion of Kalymnos and
                                 sive private collection of over 17,000 unique   its sponge diving history for the survival of its
                                 findings is the lifelong work of a man born and   people and their families. Today, the work of
                                 raised on the island.                Stavros Valsamidis, who passed away at the age
                                 The discoveries, which came from thousands   of 65, a celebrated diver of all the Earth’s seas,
                                 of dives, include a wide variety of plants and   continues through his son Giannis.
                                 animals from the marine kingdom: fish, shells,   As the legacy of Stavros Valsamidis lives on, the
                                 crustaceans, starfish, corals, sharks, turtles,   Valsamidis Sea World Museum stands, not on-
                                 and, of course, all kinds of sponges.  ly as a tribute to the rich underwater heritage
                                 Part of the museum is dedicated to the profession   of Kalymnos but also as a beacon of education
                                 of sponge diving and includes all the tools and   and preservation for future generations. With
                                 suits used by divers from 1872 to the present day.  each passing day, this museum continues to
                                 One wing exhibits findings from the First and
                                                                      inspire awe and appreciation for the treasures
       SHUTTERSTOCK              Second World Wars, such as torpedoes and   hidden beneath the waves, ensuring that the re-
                                                                      markable stories of the sea and its explorers will
                                 pieces from aeroplanes. In a specially designed
                                 space, amphorae from the 6th, 4th, 3rd, and
                                                                      endure for years to come. •

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